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August 29, 2011

Pay Forward, Pay Back, Perhaps a Bit of Both - How to Help Someone Involved With an Emotional Abuser

Can you recall a time in your life when someone said a few words to you and you literally can say that that person changed your life?

Many people have had that experience and with gratefulness carry on with their lives being well aware that who they are is because someone took the time to share a bit of wisdom with them. These people know how different their lives might well have been had that particular person at that particular time not said what they said. By the works they do, whether consciously or subconsciously, walk out their lives with an attitude of "paying back." They are thankful for what has been given to them and so want to pay back to their world.

If you haven't yet had the type of experience that you honestly can say, "Someone once told me something that completely changed my life," then consider experimenting with life. Present to your life a challenge. Test the world around you to see if you could create a possible miracle.

Be truthful in what you say to maintain your integrity as a human. And, it's o.k. to be spirited and humorous, as well. If you let your personality flow, you'll be surprised at how you can create a fun and really positive experience.

Most of us don't live in the jungle or desert, so every day endless opportunities cross our paths where we can positively effect another person's life. We don't have to wait until someone "comes knocking on our door." We can "knock on their door." See what happens when you cross paths with an elderly person and you tell them with a big smile on your face, "You're looking mighty fine today." More often than not, it's nearly a guarantee, in return you'll get the biggest positive response. They'll most often laugh and immediately connect with you.

Once you get that type of response and you realize how you can positively effect another human's life just by your being "real" and reaching out, connecting with other humans will become much easier.

Then, when someone "comes knocking on your door" sharing how they're in an emotionally abusive relationship, you'll more easily be able to flow in the "1, 2, 3."

1 - "This is about you."

2 - "What is one thing you are really good at doing in your life?"

3 - "Go out and be the best (their answer) you can be today, tomorrow, and the next day."

Whether you pay forward, pay back, or perhaps a bit of both, you are making a positive difference in the world you live in.

For more explanation of the "1, 2, 3," see article, "A Possible Miracle in One Minute or Less."

FREE eCourse Offer - Ruth Elaine David, Professional Mental Health Provider, helps people escape the psychological prison created by being in relationship with an emotional abuser, more specifically, a narcissistic emotional abuser. To begin the process of escaping torment and "craziness" in your primary intimate relationship, access a FREE 5 Day eCourse today at:

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