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August 28, 2011

Death, Taxes, and Government Jobs - The Only "Sure Things"

In the midst of high unemployment and economic hard times, the guardians of central government say that cuts are just nowhere to be found, but parking lots around federal agencies in Washington are full to overflowing in these hard times--especially since President Obama came to town. Even as he announces that he is reducing regulations, critics note that he increased regulatory jobs by 13% and actual regulations by 60%. One economist said for Obama to say that he is giving us some paltry reduction in regulation is akin to a man who hits you on the head with a wrench and then shakes your hand. The monstrosity that is "Obamacare" waits in the wings with massive regulation unless overturned by the Supreme Court.

According to USA Today, the job security rate is 99.434% at most federal agencies. HUD, which has done such an admirable job in the housing market, has a 99.85% job security rate. They only fire people such as Catherine Austin Fitts, a Christian who once had her own bank on Wall Street. She requested an audit of all off the books money skimmed from inflated real estate mortgages to finance secret black operations by federal agencies, and was asked to leave Washington.

"We've never focused on firing people," says HUD, "and we don't intend to start now. We're focused on hiring the right people." They say the low dismissal rate is a result of their skilled and committed workforce. No, really! They said that. That explains why the President will not agree to downsize the leviathan in Washington--too many valuable resources to implement incremental socialism and nihilism--the gradual degradation of the remnants of the old republic by the miners and sappers deep within the labyrinths of government who assure that secularism and socialism become the norm for a populace weaned from liberty and Jesus Christ--all guided by most Obama appointees who have never worked a day in their lives in the private sector--the fewest private sector advisors to any President since 1900.

The calls for austerity in government echo throughout the land, but OSHA goes on and on--the same OSHA that swooped down on a small nonprofit agency of social workers helping the old, the sick, the shut-ins and the disenfranchised that liberals claim to care about. I was board chairman, and we got rid of some squirrels in our attic by using moth balls rather than an expensive exterminator because money was tight. Someone complained, and OSHA cited us for using "hazardous chemicals." They fined us an amount that would have stocked our food bank for the hungry for three months. They said, "We might forgive you the first time moth ball offense, but not to have our poster up in your work area was--unforgivable!"

For federal employees like those at OHSA, after just a few years on the job, job security soars to near 100%. Even as the real unemployment rate in the private sector stands at 18% or more, the government laid off a whopping 385 people last year in reorganizations...a 0.02 in every 6,000 employees in its 2.1 million workforce. The nearly half-million federal employees earning "$100,000 or more" enjoyed a 99.82% job security rate in 2010--jobs for life, the mantra of the socialists in Washington. Such high-salaried employees have also increased dramatically under President Obama.

Last year, in the midst of the worst recession/depression in our lifetimes, not one of the 3,000 meteorologists, 2500 health administrators, 1,000 optometrists, 800 historians, or 500 property managers were laid off...and the President's health care bureaucracy has not even begun to gear up the health bill's thousands of new IRS enforcers and committees and boards that have delegated powers of decision making stripped from the legislative branch--all forged in the Senate by seizing a House bill that was passed to help veterans get homes. The House must issue spending bills, and so this bill number was gutted completely and a whole new entitlement was constructed by people who believe that government exists to throttle capitalism, redistribute wealth and engineer social outcomes desired by the omnipresent state.

So, what do Americans have to look forward to? More federal employees are coming to punish you for personal health choices, to fondle your family in airports, to tell you what words are unacceptable at private memorial services at VA cemeteries, to tell Boeing where they can locate new factories, to tell states that they must provide money to abortionists, to populate the new SWAT teams at the U.S. Education Department (I'm not kidding!), and to tell states that don't like any of it--that federal funds will be cut off to ensure compliance with the federal religion.

Only 27 of 35,000 federal attorneys, the modern commissars, who churn out all those helpful misinterpretations of Congressional intent, craft regulations to depress employment in the private sector and penalize achievers, act as indispensable arms of the modern police state, tell private businesses who they can hire and promote, ratchet up costs that are passed on to consumers, shackle American businesses as foreign competitors continue to buy up America, and try to ensure that Jesus Christ is nowhere to be found in their secular utopia, were fired last year. None were laid off. Death claimed 33.

Outside of the ballot box in 2012, death seems the only threat to unemployment for our valued federal workforce.

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