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August 31, 2011

Do You Make These Mistakes In Cosmic Ordering?

If you've been cosmic ordering for something for some time and it still has not come, there're a number of reasons.

Let's take a look at the check list of a few usual steps:

Clarity of what you put out there--Is your order sent out using the positive words to phrase it? Is it specific? Have you visualized it vivdly in your mind's eye? Is your intention crystal clear and laser sharp? Why do you really want it? Take for example, if it's a house that you want, why do you want the house for? Is it for the joy that you want from the togetherness of your family and friends, the peace and quiet of staying in the country side to enjoy serenity? Or is it just a tool to show people you now have a new house? If you've the house, what and how would you want it for? Your intent to have the house is a critical part whether it comes in your comic ordering or not...
Support of your conscious mind--Does your conscious mind pop up with non-supportive thoughts like 'the mortgage may be too high', 'now is not the time to buy yet, let's wait for another real estate crash', 'why is it that my colleague got her new house faster than me? I know how to cosmic order but she doesn't', 'why is the Universe not sending my house to me yet?', 'why has it taken ages for me to manifest a house?'...and so on... If you said 'ages', of course it take ages to come to you. It's simple. The Universe reads the words carefully, whether it's verbally spoken or mentally spoken...
Alignment with your subconscious emotions--Does your subconscious have emotions that linked with events, thoughts, behavior, or conversations from your past (from your childhood to adult life) by people around you such as parents, relatives, neighbors, teachers, religious community that created sadness, jealousy, unhappiness, anger, pain etc around the subject of house or having a new house? For example, perhaps in your childhood you might have heard your neighbor telling your parents that it's difficult to finance a house and it's totally impossible to own a house 20 years later, and at that time you felt owning a house's indeed impossible. Or you might have read a newspaper article that reported the death of a father rushing his way to register his new house for the family and was crashed in an accident, and at that time you felt sad. Search through your subconscious mind's memory about the house that you so wanted and find the dis-empowering emotional links to it. if the emotion linked to the house is not removed, there's no possibility of the cosmic ordering of the house coming to you...

Do you make these mistakes when cosmic ordering for what you want? Have you found your own solutions and correct and continue to cosmic order. Practice and observe your cosmic ordering will help you become more and more successful in manifesting and creating the life you most desire.

And if you would like to have free instant access to a 6-day mini simple guide on how to send and receive your cosmic orders successfully, visit
Hui has achieved consistent results from her cosmic ordering in the past 1 year, especially with financial and wealth cosmic orders.
Visit now, and fill in the banner that flies out from the bottom of the page, for your free cosmic ordering guide.
PS: remember to smile back at the banner guy who's smiling at you:)

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