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August 30, 2011

Discover Why Becoming a Solutionary Is How You Create Positive Change

In this article I want to talk about the fundamental idea of how we think about change, and how to create the change in our lives that we desire. This is my own opinion and some of it comes from things I have read and learned from others.

While growing up and going to school the beginnings of the general fear of change started. In school we were taught to fear change and failure. The way to avoid failure was to always follow the rules, teach to the test and be prepared to follow the pre-designated path to a job. To mostly learn things that don't benefit our ability to create what ever we want in life. We have been taught in school to be afraid of too much change. We have been taught that pushing the envelope or breaking away from the crowd and doing something new and different, that creating change is scary and maybe even irresponsible.

The prevailing idea that is hammered into us in school is to stick to the rues and curriculum so you can get a good job, work hard and there will be time to relax and enjoy life when you retire. We are NOT taught to embrace change and think out of the box, to find solutions and think as solutionaries.

The word solutionary, coined by Zoe Weil who did a great talk about this subject on TED Talks, a video platform. The idea is that when people are taught to look at the world and their own lives from the perspective of working toward solutions for problems and positive changes, they will be more successful themselves and society and the world will be a much better place. When people grow up and finish school they will be able to think as a solutionary. They will be able to find solutions to whatever comes their way.

If you are in a place in your life that you don't want to be in, how do you set your mind to find the positive change you want. Unfortunately we are not taught to be solutionaries and the people who do manage to change their way of thinking, do it through a very pro active and determined process of self improvement. They re-educate themselves so they can undue the way of thinking they were taught in school.

Most people tend to just keep repeating the same processes in their lives expecting to get a different result. They don't really create solutions for change and they wonder why they never get the change they want in their lives. Other people hide from change by blaming everybody and everything around them, including society, the economy and the government for their inability to accept or create the change they really want and need. The greater world does not usually change, we change first and then society and culture changes. The fear of change and the fear of the possibility of failure stops people dead in their tracks. We were not all taught to find solutions by thinking out of the box, basically to be solutionaries.

In my opinion, if we could re-educate ourselves to think in this way, to not fear change or the possibility of failure we could avoid a lot of pain and disappointment in life. We could find the solutions to the issues we face and solutions for creating want we want in life. It really is about changing the way we think and the only way to do that is through self improvement and re-educating ourselves.

For many people it is easier to just be depressed, use alcohol or drugs or just plain live life unhappy and unfulfilled. If you are a person who can honestly and sincerely say they are truly happy in all areas of your life, then I am not writing this article for you.

You are in the minority of people who have found whatever solutions that have worked for you. This article is for all the majority of people who would like more out of their lives and are stuck, because they were not taught to think in terms of finding solutions with out the fear of change.

As Zoe Weil in her talk on TED video put it, she says that if we were to graduate a generation of solutionaries, people who are taught this new way of thinking from a young age, we could change the world. We would have a generation of people who would be able to come up with solutions to create the change that could solve the problems that are confronting society. Instead of teaching people to follow like sheep, to not be comfortable asserting their leadership, we would have a generation of people who would be leaders through their ability and desire to come up with and implement solutions for positive change.

If you were taught in school to think out of the box and strive to be a leader, to come up with new ideas and challenge the old ones that don't work and that was the fundamental way you were taught to think, the world and your own life would be a much better more functional place.

Consider contributing to environmental preservation, creating a better world and a better life for yourself. It takes the desire and actions of average people to create a movement for change. What better way to take action than starting a business =that helps other people, our planet and yourself. Michael writes articles about environmental sustainability issues, including holistic health and business solutions for environmental preservation. He also coaches and trains people on how to get started in their own successful business, as an eco entrepreneur.

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