Reading actively refers to deliberate concentration on what you are reading. You must think about what you are reading as you read it. This means you should read slowly and carefully to fully understand the content. This may sometimes require rereading the material, especially if it is new information or particularly complex material. The fives strategies that can help with active reading are outlined in this article.
The first strategy for active reading is to ask questions. Asking internal questions are essential before, during, and after reading helps with understanding the material. Questioning helps you gauge how much and what you understand about what you are reading. Before you begin reading, review any prior knowledge you have about the subject. Then, ask yourself two important questions: What new information is included in this read? How is this new information organized?
As you read, focus on what the author wants you to know. Contemplate the significance of what you are reading. Determine what is essential and what should you remember. After you have finished reading, reflect on what you have learned and what else you want to know and what unanswered questions you still have about the topic.
Make use of your prior knowledge to make inferences, assumptions, and predictions to help you interpret what the author is saying. Using prior knowledge uses critical thinking skills that help to make connections and correlations, which can be a tremendous help with comprehension. Test your assumptions; use prior knowledge to make predictions about what is coming up in the next section or paragraph.
Recognize what you do not know. Identifying material that you do not understand is just as important as the information you clearly understand. Formulate and write out questions about the topics or ideas that are unclear. Make an attempt to reread the text out loud to jog understanding. If that does not work, pair with another student and review your questions. Peer teaching can be an effective means to gain a deeper understanding of reading material.
Summarizing text is another valuable strategy that helps readers comprehend information. Making a summarization of what was read is excellent for understanding the main topic and supporting points. Summaries also help to retrieve the information from long-term memory.
Reading for college students generally involves learning. With every passing year, students are expected to progress in reading, writing, and strategic learning. Being an active reader can help in all three of these areas. You may not want to wait until you are in a class where reading is over your head. If you are taking online courses, you will need to do a lot of reading. Start practicing now to become an active reader! Implement the guidelines while reading scientific journals, medical reports, or historical documents. They can help you successfully earn a Bachelor's degree online.
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