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August 17, 2011

How to Choose a White Laptop

Apart from black and grey, it is possible to buy laptops these days in many different colors. One of the most popular options is the white laptop as this is a unisex color that suits many different purposes, from business use to a design studio. White laptops look both stylish and professional so if you choose this color laptop, you are sure to be pleased with your purchase.

While a few years ago, there were only a few different models of white laptops available and the market was dominated by Apple Macs, you can now choose from several different models from all the big computer manufacturers. Sony, Dell, Acer, IBM, Asus and others all make their own versions of laptops in white with a variety of different screen sizes and specifications.

Currently the manufacturer producing the largest number of models of white laptop is Sony. Sony white laptops are available in a number of screen sizes and with many different specifications from a small basic machine for web surfing to the latest top of the range model as used by designers and other professionals.

One of the first considerations you should think about when choosing which model of laptop to buy is the level of portability you require. People who travel a lot with their laptop or want to be able to throw it into their bag and carry it around them throughout the day should choose a smaller lighter laptop - possibly one of the new net book varieties that are ideal for travelers and people just wanting to do casual web surfing on their laptop.

However if you plan to use your laptop mainly in your home as a desktop replacement or do a lot of graphics work or use other applications that take up a lot of screen space, a laptop with a larger screen size will probably be more useful to you as long as you keep in mind that it will not be as easy to carry around. Many people choose to compromise by buying a large screen high spec laptop for working at home and then a secondary small net book for connectivity when out and about and travelling.

After deciding which laptop screen size will be best for your personal requirements, you should consider specifications such as CPU speed, Hard Disk space, memory and connectivity options. It can be difficult to know which laptop will give you the most for your money so it will help to compare specifics when comparing models

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