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August 19, 2011

Be Truly Happy With 3 Attitudes: Be Blissful, Grateful and Laugh a Lot

It has been shown by studies that our moods influence our reality. Even by forcing ourselves to appear cheerful we end up being happier! And in turn, it affects positively our body, we feel more relaxed, balanced and able to enjoy life and to love. It has an impact on our surrounding and we get people happy too (source Happiness Project book).

But even if you tend to be pretty joyful, sometimes you too can get stuck in your routine, other people's moods or some other "important problem" - and you forget to enjoy life? Or you know you're grumpy and want to change that for good? The great news is that you can train yourself to be truly in high spirits and those 3 attitudes will set you the right way: blissfulness, gratefulness and "laughfulness".

1. Be blissful

This is the stage that comes after happiness, when you know you're right now in a state of terrestrial nirvana. It seems a big statement but really it's an inner feeling that all is well and is going to stay so. One way that I use to be "there", for example if I need it and I feel out of balance, I close my eyes, take a few deep breaths and just let myself be in the now. I forget all that really "mattered" and get submerged by a sense of total wellbeing, and I even feel love, a warm energy sensation. It might be different for you but it's definitively worth trying.

When you achieve that state, return to you daily activities. You'll find that inner peace staying with you so cultivate it. Within some times you'll even be able to be in that state without trying, for a long time!

2. Be grateful

Realize your blessings daily, when you have spare time such as in the shower. It may be for that food you're about to eat, the love for your family, that you can have such a great job or the dream project you're about to do.

Focus on what is really important in this world, such as love, peace, respect and [your personal choice].

3. Laugh all day

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.
- Dr. Seuss

You don't have to take yourself seriously all the times. Permit yourself to be silly and get loose, kid! Did you know that adults laugh about 15 times a day, but children about 300 times? Return to that state or let one teach you to be like that - my kids certainly are showing me daily, I feel I enjoy life more and that's such a blessing too. How to do it right now? If you can, put music on and dance as if nobody was seeing you. If not, have fun with the person nearby or on a chat. And thanks to make him read this article!

P.S. If this article helped you, please help others too and share it!

P.P.S. You want to get amazing tips on being happy and doing what you love? Get the rest of the free crash course along with the free ezine loaded with information, scoops and freebies at

Marie-Eve Boudreault

You want to use an article for your ezine, blog or website? You can! As long as you include this with it:

Marie-Eve Boudreault is a sociologist, the author of ebooks and of the website on how to Be Happy and Do What You Love, including a crash course, a ezine and other useful articles. You can receive her free ezine and crash course on the subject at

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