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August 20, 2011

Inner Rejuvenation - What's Good for the Soul?

I'm just back from a few days away helping a family member have a little sort out. For the most part, the de-cluttering related to bits and bobs that weren't mine, but I still found it really therapeutic!

Looking at a cupboard, wardrobe or drawer that is crammed full of stuff, considering what you may need to throw away or sort, you may find yourself having the mild moment of panic! Suddenly that pile of ironing looks very appealing, or you think it must be time for another cup of tea.

Yes. We've all been there at one time or another, whether at your own home or someone else's.

It's the decisions you make from there though that are truly crucial.

There are many decisions to make. Some which bind you with sentimentality, others which are as simple as asking yourself "Did I wear this last year?". You may find yourself distracted by looking at photographs or old letters, (which can be a nice activity but can really eat into your time!).

It's all too easy to become frustrated when having a sort out and this can lead to ruthlessness. You just chuck everything away to have that lovely clear area - it's so satisfying to see that it's all tidy (a bit like ripping up the to do list), except once you return from the recycling bin you begin to regret your choices. Of course, often by then its too late.

This makes the whole experience much more emotional than it needs to be. De-cluttering and having a good sort out is one thing, but just mindlessly clearing is not the best approach!

Once we had finished, these words were said "You know what? I can't even remember what we got rid of and I feel really good about it."

That must be good for the soul?

Another thing I find good for inner rejuvenation is:

A long weekend away with my closest girlie friends and family.

For a start, it works because we are all there for the same reason, a break from life, husbands and work. It's the start of the new year, so what a fantastic way to get that energy back during the lull following the festivities and a chance to get some bracing January sea air and plenty of time for fun and relaxation.

We all bring our left-over Christmas goodies, so we can have a naughty eating weekend and therefore feel all smug when we go home that we have no more junk food left in the house!

We all take our own time to do things and no one feels they 'have' to do anything! There is a deep understanding between us, we are all happy going with the flow and especially good at creating our own fun.

It's great to be around like-minded people and we literally don't stop laughing from the moment we meet up on the Friday! In fact, by Monday we are all so exhausted from laughing that we are aching!

Among all the other things that I've listed above as being great for inner rejuvenation, laughing is definitely good for the soul and I highly recommend you indulge yourself.

Amie Crews
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