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August 20, 2011

Living Life In The Flow

I have been contemplating recently how sometimes in life we seem to be "in the flow" and everything just happens naturally and effortlessly. It is in these times that we are most happy and it almost takes no effort on our part as things just seem to fall in place like slipping our feet into a sock. Now here is the conundrum, how do we get into this "flow of life" more often?

It seems to me that life is most natural when we are in this flow. What do I mean by "living in the flow"? I am referring to those times in life when there seems to be no resistance, where each new block is placed before us and we intuitively know where to place it. It is in those tranquil phases of life where we don't seem to put in any particular effort, but yet everything falls into place. It is during these times that we feel the true peace and joy that life has to offer.

Yes it is true that for some of us these times can be fleeting and short lived. But I'm pretty confident that each of us has had at least glimpse of this "living in the flow" at some point in life. Admittedly some of us experience this more frequently than others, and it is here that I wish to direct my attention. Is it possible for a person, any person, to intentionally create more of these "in the flow" moments in life?

From my own experiences and intuition I would answer strongly in the affirmative. I firmly believe that it is possible for each of us to experience and get in touch with this phenomena known as the "flow of life". From what I have come to know, this "flow of life" is none other than the will of God. When we are living in the flow we are living according to God's will.

Now I am not saying that when one lives in the flow that life is easy and devoid of challenges and trials. This is certainly not the case. Even when one "lives in the flow" there will be challenges in one's life. When we face a challenging situation or trial "outside the flow" it seems unbearable and we wonder if we can make it through. It seems to us as though we are banging our heads against a wall and getting nowhere. On the flip side, when we face a similar situation while "in the flow" it is a completely different story. We accept it as an opportunity to grow and it seems like a natural part of life just like it was natural when we decided to walk as babies.

It is my belief that when we experience any pain, suffering or resistance in life it is because we are NOT "living in the flow". It has been my observation that life in its natural state flows and moves effortlessly without any pain, resistance or suffering. Just look out at nature and see for yourself. The trees stand in elegance and serenity as their leaves and branches sway in the peaceful breeze. Birds grace the sky in freedom, bees patiently search for nectar to take home and the mighty Sun gives life and vitality to all life. Yet the true power in all this is that it all happens so naturally and effortlessly.

Life in its natural state is "in the flow". There is no pain, resistance or suffering in nature. It is in nature that we can witness the true order of life. Now when any human being experiences pain or suffering in any form it is because they are doing something that is going against the natural order of things. Put another way, nature lives according to God's will and prospers accordingly, because the Divine will "is the flow" of life. It is only when you step outside the Divine will that you begin to experience any type of pain or suffering.

It is true that we each have a unique purpose during our lives here on earth. Each of us fits into the giant jigsaw puzzle and we each have our place within it, without exception. "Living in the flow" is about letting the higher aspects of life guide you into place on this giant jigsaw puzzle. We only begin getting "out of the flow" when we think we know better than the Divine. When we live according to our own will we begin experiencing pain, suffering and resistance. We try and move our own puzzle piece and place it where we feel is best.

The trouble with this is that we can only see a tiny aspect of the entire puzzle at any one time. So when we decide to move ourselves around we are doing it blindly, not knowing how we fit into the grand scheme of things. But there is One who knows the entire jigsaw puzzle at all times and who sees it in its entirety. Now let me ask you a question. Is it not easier to follow the One who knows everything than to follow your own comparatively tiny viewpoint?

The natural answer to this question is "yes, of course it is". So then how do we begin "living in the flow?" In my experience I have found that the heart is where the will of God resides within us. It is manifest in our feelings, not our emotions, and also in our intuitions. When we let go of the mind and trust the still small voice within we begin to get in touch with the will of God that leads us to "living in the flow". Feelings are of the heart, emotions are of the mind.

When a person turns their attention to the deeper aspects of themselves they begin getting in touch with the deeper aspects of life. As within, so without. By deeper I do not mean anything complex or dark in nature. By using the word deeper I simply mean those aspects of ourselves that we often overlook the 'real' parts of ourselves. Often times we are all guilty of viewing ourselves only superficially without really learning about who we really are within.

It can be challenging but it is possible. Each of us has a unique place to fulfill in the grand puzzle of life and there is only One who knows how it all fits together. We can either learn how to get in touch with the parts of us that guide us down that path, or we can choose to follow our own path based on the more familiar parts of our being. Either way it is within our power to determine which path we go down.

Therefore life is a choice. Do we choose to move our own puzzle pieces or do we choose to let the Divine move and direct our puzzle piece? One leads to being "out of the flow" and the other leads to being "in the flow." At the end of the day it is our choice. All of life is about choices. In this instance, one choice leads to pain, suffering and resistance; and the other leads to peace, joy and freedom. Now which path you choose to follow is completely up to you!

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