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August 31, 2011

Material Handling Industry History

Materials Handling Industry has matured as never before. Ever since the industrial revolution started, goods needed to be transported at a larger scale. These transports and movement of goods and materials have become the material handling industry, a mature industry which has anchored in all corners of the globe and has

The Industry Definition
By definition, this optimization business is the movement, protection, control and storage of goods before, during and after the production or manufacturing process. But also includes the handling of goods during distribution to end consumers and even during the consumption and the disposal part of the end product. Every little handling falls within the handling industry.

The logistics industry highly relies on the material handling industry and in many ways is intertwined with this industry as well. The tow industries go hand in hand in order to let the supply chain process go as fluently as possible.

A Little Industrial History
This management business has been around ever since humans have been trading goods. Once trading and manufacturing started to happen at a larger scale more efficient systems needed to be developed and brought into place. Equipment and optimization are constantly evolving to facilitate the demand of goods.

The industrial revolution was sparked of in Great Britain in the early 18th century when the first commercially viable steam engines entered the manufacturing, mining, agricultural and transport processes. These inventions and contraptions were shipped all over the world to increase production volumes and the industrialization of the world became a fact. The material handling industry developed along side.

In principle we are still in the middle of the industrial revolution, as we keep progressing forward. Steam engines were only the spark that flamed the technological process. But the introduction of the combustion engine, electricity, electronics, the microchip and now nano technology all are part of an ongoing industrial revolutionary process. And all along this industry has grown, developed and progressed as well.

Material Handling Industry of America
Companies in the material handling industry have united in the MHIA in the United States. The MHIA is one of the largest organizations in the world representing the material handling industry. Not strange as the United States is the largest economy in the world. The MHIA is a non-profit trade organization helping its members to perform more efficiently on the world platform.

This commercial enterprise is an exciting industry as a whole as it keeps progressing and filtering in the processes needed to optimize the movement, protection, control and storage of goods. The consumption of material handling and logistics equipment and systems in America exceeds $156 billion per year, and producers employ in excess of 700,000 workers.

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