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August 14, 2011

Think Well of Yourself to Be Happy

I started studying religion at 8 yrs old, and have studied, self help methods, philosophy, spirituality and religions eastern and western, all of my life. I have come to realize All Paths led to the same place! You are what you think you are! Think well of yourself, be positive. As a Reiki Master I have seen and felt and used this power. I Know you can too! Your thoughts and feelings influence your brain chemistry. Let me tell you how this truth really came home to me, as we all know, knowing something and realizing are too very different things!

I was looking through my Zen Cards one day, to choose one that I would dwell on for the week. I was looking at a card showing 2 dolphins swimming from the heart over the shoulder and into the space between the eyes on the forehead. I thought, I can use this picture to meditate! I decided to try this for one week. so every night just before falling asleep, I meditated on this motion of the dolphins ( Rather like counting sheep). After about 3 days, I woke up and felt... well the way people feel when they fall in love. the happiness, everything is beautiful, and nothing is impossible. It is a wonder what our brain is capable of! When I went in to open my store that day. one of the neighboring store keepers "said what happened, I want what ever your taking"! The other thing that happens is that people are drawn to you.

All this makes you feel better about your self. Just like ripples on a pond it spreads, negative or positive.

You may feel that it might be a little selfish to focus on your self, but I assure you it is not. If your in doubt of the validly of this statement, just take a moment and think of how you feel when your loved are happy, you see!. Once your feeling good,you will automatically refocus and enjoy to a greater and much more enjoyable degree on people you care for. If you want to try this meditation, I want you to be aware that it can take a little longer for a person who has never meditated at all, when I started I bought mediation tapes to help. Now a days it would be a CD or DVD. If you choose not to try this meditation then just work on this. When you Wake up every morning, say to yourself, I feel good today, I feel happy! Most of all think well of yourself, love yourself, be your own best friend! The mind is more powerful that you can imagine.

W. R. Boru Reiki Master and business owner.

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