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August 13, 2011

Enterprise Mobile Applications Vs Marketplace Mobile Applications

The mobile application market has become increasingly competitive over the past year and a half. The mobile platform is now an important tool used by businesses to increase sales figures, improve customer demeanor, and organize company operations. Businesses must develop a plan to integrate mobile solutions with day-to-day operations, otherwise they will end up missing an important advantage that more and more companies in the business world are catching on to.

Enterprise mobile applications differ greatly from marketplace applications, and companies should make sure they enlist in the help of a reputable and professional application developer rather than a brochure-ware company without any real enterprise experience. Vendors without a large budget are capable of producing fun and quirky games, but studies have shown that such applications are often used just a handful times before being forgotten about and never opened again. Enterprise mobile applications are intended to extend the brand of a business and to be repeatedly used by consumers. More important than a flashy interface is a layout that works well and provides to the consumer the function they were promised when they downloaded the application. The application run by was downloaded over 250,000 times in one year and made the company $1 billion. Leaving the job of developing an application that yields that kind of money to a no-name company is a recipe for disaster.

Enterprise mobile applications can do more than improve client relations; they also have the ability to save a company money and improve the productivity of workers. Surveys have shown a huge upward spike in operational efficiency when employees are provided with an enterprise mobile application to accompany their work. An increase in efficiency inevitably leads to an increase in profits. It's apparent again that selecting the right company to develop these enterprise mobile applications is an essential choice. It is not wise to leave the future of your business in the hands of a one dollar application developer that boasts little to no professional experience.

Some security concerns exist with business-mobile integration. The alleged issues are primarily a result of brochure-ware companies creating buggy applications plagued with security flaws that open the doors for vulnerability from malware or hackers. Proper development from an experienced team of mobile application developers all but eliminates the risk of any kind of security problem.

It is imperative to find a the right company to meet the specific needs of your business's custom application development; the choice to go with the wrong company has the possibility of bringing about iffy results and possibly raising security concerns. In order to avoid security defects or shoddy quality, big budget companies with solid reputations are obviously preferred to small firms who lack credible qualifications. Choosing the right application development company will ensure your enterprise mobile application serves its intended purpose and furthers the success of your business.

For more information about enterprise mobile applications, visit Magenic Technologies who have been providing innovative custom software development to meet unique business challenges for some of the most recognized companies and organizations in the nation.

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