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August 12, 2011

What Is The Passion Test? The 7 Principles For Living a Passionate Life

According to its creators, The Passion Test is a test you cannot fail. It has been developed by Chris Attwood and Janet Bray Attwood and is a formula for creating anything you want in your life. The primary purpose of The Passion Test is to find clarity about what is most important in your life, by forcing you to choose what means the most to you. It then becomes a simple barometer against which to measure every choice you make in your life. Taking The Passion Test, and then taking action is what creates the clarity.

The Passion Test works on a formula of three stages:


This requires you to consciously state what you choose to create in your life. Consciously stating what you choose to create in your life is the first step to manifesting it.


Whatever you give attention to is what you attract in your life.

No Tension

The first aspect of no tension is to act from that place of peace and calm that you have inside. The second is to do what you think you can do and to let go to allow things to eventuate in any way. If you're open to what is appearing at this very moment, you are not stuck on holding on to concepts of how things should be. This allows total free will for wonderful things to happen through you.

Your world is created first within you and then on the outside. What you believe is what you create. There are three things which may prevent you from doing a fulfilled passionate life; false beliefs, false ideas and false concepts.

Having found your top five passions, it is important to understand the secret to being able to live those passions. Janet Atwood says it is as simple as this - whenever you are faced with a choice, a decision or an opportunity, choose in favour of your passions. You need to be committed to living a passionate life in order for it to happen.

When you have created your list of passions, you can score them as to the degree to which you think you are living those passions right now. It is also important to create markets which will indicate how you know whether you are living your passions to your full potential.

In summary, Chris Attwood and Janet Bray Attwood suggest there are seven principles for living a passionate life. They are commitment, clarity, attention, staying open, integrity, persistence, and following your heart.

Andrea helps people develop practical skills to achieve personal growth in order to identify and reach their goals. As a certified Passion Test Facilitator and professional social worker, counsellor and trainer with many years experience, she has worked with hundreds of people to help them achieve and live a life of fulfilment. She recognises that everyone responds differently, but that all people wish to strive for fulfilment in living a life that is optimal in reaching their potential.

Andrea would like to help you Reach Your Potential. For further information on The Passion Test or for your free copy of her special report "The 7 Keys To Understanding Stress And How To Avoid It" please go to

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