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August 14, 2011

How to Make Sure You Don't Run Out of Things to Say to Your Date - The Tree Branch Theory

Us guys tend to be very regimented when it comes to conversation topics.

It tends to be work, sports, general hobbies, travel, politics (maybe), sex (maybe) and...that's about it.

So when we've gone through our standard question list with a girl of...'what do you do for work?', 'what sports do you like?', 'have you done much travelling'...etc etc then we're fishing for things to say.

What you have to do is be more observant to the possible branches you can go down.

A big oak tree has many thick branches sprouting out of it. Out of these branches grow further smaller branches, then more smaller branches still. At each point there could be a number of different branches you can choose to go down.

It's the same in conversation - a short response from her in answer to a question from you can lead to a number of branches you can go down. For example, if you ask her what she does for a living and she tells you she works as a server in a bar, most guys would ask where, and perhaps how long she's done that for, then they would be stuck.

But there is also the reason why she is there? Is she paying her way through college, or is she trying to get a job she really wants, but stuck as a server right now? What is it she really wants to do? Did she always want to do this, or did she want to be something else as a kid? How does she feel about being a server? What's the rudest customers she's had? How does all of this apply to situations you've been in?

See - a ton of branches there that you could choose to go down at any one time.

And when you go down that branch, you'll find she gives you a ton more branches to choose from.

Us guys need to stop being so linear and regimented in our conversations and to really look for all the information that's given - not just the explicitly stated information, but what is implied by that information. Like when she says 'being a server is OK, I guess', what does that imply? Does she really think it's OK, or does she actually quite dislike it? Is that because she really wants to be doing something else? What is that something?

Most of the time she is unlikely to volunteer this information - you have to be sharp and spot what she is really saying. Then draw attention to it - the 'words behind the words' - that's how you develop a feeling of understanding.

Women get sick of having to spell everything out to us guys - so you need to become adept at really reading what they are telling you. They tend to give us all the information we need - it's just we have to be able to spot it, because they don't often state it explicitly.

So if you combine the tree branch theory with the wide and deep will create some really strong, deep connections with women, and be the kind of guy who they can talk to all day and all night long, and never get bored.

When you learn to attract women without even trying, you find women are just drawn to you constantly, without realising why.

Discover how to find the part of you that can do this effortlessly and naturally, at

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