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August 8, 2011

A Happy Life Is No Longer a Dream!

Connecting with God is always a good thing. It gives us some peace of mind. Spiritual alignment is when you combine with the higher power with your body, mind and soul all in one place. This connection with God enables us to feel all the good things like love or joy. We can say that God is the source of joy and connecting with him will open doors to a merry life. Associating with the higher source is not a tough job and anyone and everyone can do it.

Meditation is the ultimate medium to relate with the higher power. Most people avoid meditation as they think of it as boring and difficult. But it is none of the two. They think so because they do not know the real meaning of meditation. Meditation is a very simple process of giving your mind some peace and quiet which can be done at any time of the day. You can always begin with only 10 minutes of meditation on a daily basis. Then you can increase the duration with time. Follow the inhale and exhale process of breathing while you meditate.

Start hearing your thoughts. There is a mixture of good and bad thoughts in everybody's mind. But you can change the track of your thoughts. You can change the bad and negative into the good and positive. A positive outlook is what will help you in overcoming most of your fears and obstacles. And of course a positive person will seek happiness in life.

You are what you eat. A healthy diet must be maintained by everyone. You portray your love and care for yourself when you intake a healthy diet. And you must stop taking alcohol and drugs. People generally take these things to avoid certain bad feelings but it is just the opposite. Things like alcohol and drugs cut your connection with God and what's left with you is only suffering.

Reading is a rewarding habit. And if you read motivational books then it's even better. Motivational and inspirational books are packed with positive energies. The inflow of positive energy is a sign of connection with the higher power. These positive vibes also bring in joy and happiness in your lives.

So you see that relating to God is not difficult at all. Some changes in your daily activities can bring some major changes in your life. And these changes will for your higher good.

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