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August 3, 2011

Going Into the Cloud Will Make Your Digital Life Easy And Safe

Cloud computing is here. It's something we all been waiting for. Now we all can store our data somewhere in the Internet and access them anytime, anywhere. And it's all mostly free.The question is what's in it for you? Plenty. You probably use cloud services on a daily basis, without even realizing it. And much more is just few clicks away. There are many companies that provide cloud services and it's virtually impossible to discuss them all, so I'll stick to those I use on a daily basis.

E-mail and contacts management

Registering with Gmail gives access to 7GB of storage, plus advanced mail filters, contact management etc. In one place you can store all your important mail, files, contacts etc.. Everything is always there, waiting for you. All you need is any type of internet terminal with an internet browser and you're good to go. If that's not enough, you can sync your contacts with your smartphone. That allows to keep all your data safe and updated. Each time you add a new telephone number on the phone, it's instantly uploaded to Google and stored. That way you can add, edit and delete your contacts, both from a PC or smartphone, depending on your personal preference. Sync services are available for all platforms including Android, iOS, Blackberry, Windows Phone and Symbian devices. In most cases it's just a matter of going through a simple setup and the rest is done automatically. Just keep in mind, that syncing requires an active Internet connection on the phone and your operator might charge you for it. It's best to buy a flat data plan or limit the number of syncs per day.

Calendar and tasks to do

Situation is similar here. If you transfer your calendar to Google Calendar, it will be stored in the cloud, so you can manage your appointment's through a web browser, instead a locally installed software. Setting up a link with your mobile, will keep your data synced and safe.


Google Docs cannot be treated as an equal replacement to Microsoft Office or LibreOffice. The service can create simple documents, presentations or spreadsheets, but opening larger files created using an office suite is almost impossible. In most cases, the document is distorted, therefore it's impossible to edit it. Still, if you need to write a short text or read something, it's a good alternative. Google is constantly working on the project, so we might see some interesting developments here. Microsoft, on the other hand, offers Office Web Apps, which have similar capabilities, with one exception: MS Office files are opened properly and look exactly the same as on the desktop version. However, editing them is another issue, as in edit mode graphs and images are not displayed, only a blank space is left. So I wouldn't recommend doing anything more than correcting typos with the Web Apps.

Pictures and video

Through Picasa Web albums, you can store all your photos and movies in the cloud and share them, with your friends and family. It's easy to use and therefore it's a good way of creating a backup of your most valued photos.

Files sync

If you own two or more computers, you might want to have all your files on all of them, without having to worry about coping it by hand, each time some changes are made. Unfortunately Google does not offer any service that can do that. Personally I recommend Dropbox or Syncplicity. Both offer 2GB of free storage, intuitive client apps, that monitor selected folders and keep them in sync. interestingly, if you delete a file by mistake and the change has already been synced to other computers, you can still recover the file, from the web-panel, where it's available for 30 days, after which it's removed permanently.


Going into the cloud with your data is a very easy and free way of syncing and backing up your most valued work. Just a few clicks can guarantee a good night sleep, knowing that everything you created in the evening, will still be there, in the morning. And that's an offer nobody can refuse these days.

I'm a full time computer enthusiast, who just finished writing his master thesis on product management strategies in the IT sector. Now I'm simply trying to leave a footprint in the world, by sharing my passion and experience with others.

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