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August 14, 2011

Are We Physical or Multidimensional Beings?

Are we Physical or Multidimensional Beings?

Is our main focus on our bodily, emotional, mental or spiritual needs?

Until events cause us to see otherwise we are embedded in and surrounded by a physical universe. Attention in order to live is focused on work, food, exercise, pleasure, clothes and other image producing toys.

This is great, we have not come into human incarnation to live half in the body. We have come here to be fully incarnated and to completely feel what it's like to be an emotional physical being, and so we will use the toys and play that is provided to help us do that.

However many of us without knowing it actually are half in and half out of our bodies. This is when we begin to function as less than human. Sometimes very spiritual people or those who regard themselves as very spiritual, fail in their mission as human beings. They sometimes come with their memories of other dimensions intact, or they have suddenly awoken in their bodies and decide they want no truck with what they see as dysfunctional behaviours around them. They can sometimes become spiritual elitists as messiah ship quickly takes over their egos.

More pleasing as it is to the ego to feel that we are special, awake when others are asleep, we quickly lose the plot if we do not awaken to a deeper level than this. Not quite becoming immersed in the human experience yet feeling we have the knowledge and experience to preach to others how things should be not only misleads ourselves but misleads others.

At the other extreme when our focus is so totally on our physical needs we automatically screen out messages that our emotional body may be sending us. This is where meditation, contemplation and personal retreats can be a vital source of soul replenishment, integration and can help us remember who we are in essence.

Once we completely realise that we are physical, emotional, mental and spiritual beings we can begin the work of holistically aligning with our soul's mission. However we may go through quite a lot of growing pains before enlightenment dawns that we do indeed have a mission here.

One thing is certain if we never even begin to ask the question

"What is my mission here?"

We may continue to believe it is to be born, get educated, work for a pension, have children, and die. Because that is how the material power structures appear to want us to live.

How many times have you encountered the perspective that we are a soul who has entered the human experience to complete our collective soul's mission? That our mission is to learn and experience everything there is to learn and experience about being spiritually alive and animating a human body that we have created?

By including and integrating this as a living reality within our lives we must by necessity lift ourselves from the enslavement by materialism that is our current status.

" That in man that cannot be domesticated is not his evil but his goodness." Antonia Porchina

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