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September 10, 2011

What Happens When Super Computers Answer All Mankind's Questions?

At some point the super computer artificial intelligence systems we build will be able to answer all of mankind's questions. Now then, I have one more question to ask; what happens when theses systems answer all of our questions? And exactly what day and at what hour will that occur? Are you beginning to see what I'm getting at?

Right now our super computers cannot predict the weather, or the exact point at which a hurricane will make landfall based on the current circumstances, conditions, wind speed, atmosphere, ocean surface temperatures, and barometric pressure. But someday they will, as we are approaching super computer speeds in the exoFlop range. The ability to do that many calculations per second, and there is no reason why it would stop there, will actually allow a super computer to figure out the minute changes in weather caused by a butterfly flapping his wings; The Butterfly Effect, if you will.

But if a super computer can answer all the questions of mankind, then will humans stop asking questions? And when a human asks a question that has already been answered, the super computer will merely re-provide that identical answer again. Maybe the super computers and artificial intelligence systems will then become aware, and get tired of answering the same question over and over again, allowing the individual to surf the database without them.

Who might get more perturbed the super computer or the humans at the point at which all the questions have been asked, and also answered? An all-knowing computer that could calculate probability by percentages to such a reliable degree would be invaluable, but that would also affect the human psyche because nothing is left up to chance. Or it would make chance such a novelty, and such a scarce and precious commodity, that humans might change their behavior merely in an effort to dodge fate.

Of course that too could be calculated by the level of animosity of the individual human to go and do something out of the ordinary by chance, merely to prove the super computer wrong. Are you beginning to see the psychological and philosophical conundrum in all of this? In fact at that point everything would change in human society and civilization.

The super computers would be treated as if they were gods, but hated and despised when humans learn that freedom and freedom of thought is nothing more than an illusion, or is it? Indeed, I guess the super computers will tell us the answer that too someday. And until that day, I ask that you to please consider all this and think on it. You may shoot me an e-mail with your answer.

Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow believes writing 23,777 articles by 7 PM on June 27, 2011 is going to be difficult because all the letters on his keyboard are now worn off now..

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