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September 12, 2011

It Is Time To Laugh!

Many people do not know how to laugh and so they are unable to cope with daily life activities. Human life depends more on laughing loud than just putting up a little grin. We make progress in life and even live longer when we laugh loudly than when we just try to make life worth living.

To laugh is not just making sounds and movements with the face and body, showing amusement, joy, or contempt. It is truly a matter of the heart! The Bible in the book of Proverbs 17:22 says, "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones." In another part, it says that "out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks". This shows that the expressions that we show outwardly are truly as a result of how we feel inside.

People laugh in so many ways. There is laughter that comes as a result of a joke, whereas another person can laugh to ridicule someone, a situation, an action or a thing. You can also laugh when you overcome a serious problem, or arrive at a solution. In whichever way you may decide to laugh, I want you to understand that mastering the art of laughing can increase your life span. Understanding that trouble is a part of your life helps you to rediscover yourself. Take a look at the bad health, empty bank account, blighted love, grief, loss of job, etc, that greets you each time you desire to live in comfort.

As Christians, it is not surprising that God permits the added trials of being ridiculed and hated by people who hate the ways of our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ. Troubles reveal to us the moral fibers of the soul. Therefore, whenever trouble comes, whether the type that is common to man or unique to Christians, we are to face every part of it with a merry heart. We should bear in mind that the stamina of our souls can only be tested through trouble, and so, the best way to handle trouble is to laugh it off. I do not know the type of trouble that you are faced with right now, but what I know is that it can be solved the moment you commit your life to God. Every problem is a reminder that you need God in your life. Committing your life to God guarantees you a merry heart and a merry heart is mostly expressed through laughter.

It is true that you may have forgotten how to laugh, but knowing that every trouble comes with its solution, can make you laugh again. Also, remembering that you are created to be in relationship with God will not only make you express your hurts and emotions to Him, but to demonstrate your victory or triumph over troubles simply by laughing. Friend, it is time, to laugh! Instead of taking the odd way of murmur and sorrow, you can cultivate the attitude of laughing at your troubles.

Vitus Ejiogu is a writer and publisher with the Fire-Brand Int"l Ministries, a media ministry that is based in Nigeria.

He is the editor of FOUNDATION SATELLITE magazine also published by the ministry. He pastors a Church in Bauchi and is married with two children.

You can reach him at: or: 234 80 8181 829.

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