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September 14, 2011

A Diamond Cut for Brilliance

Everything we do in life communicates a message to others. An effective interaction tool is to Keep It Simple and Straightforward. This skill makes use of the fact that less is often more, and that good communication should be efficient as well as effective. It doesn't waste time conveying information that isn't prudent (or waste the listener or reader's time). Too often, people keep talking or writing because they think that by saying more, they'll surely cover all the points. Often however, all they do is confuse the people they're communicating with.

When one is straightforward and honest situations are met head-on, and important issues aren't swept under the rug. There are no elephants in the room!

With a (genuine) straight shooter, "what you see is what you get". They are a frank and honest person and someone who tells it like it is without the sugar coating, but they always come from love. They sincerely want the best for you, even if they sometimes "seem" brutally honest. If ever you desire or need a straightforward answer, this is the person you need to search out.

(Strangely) this interpersonal skill may be one of those things that you'll only really notice when someone doesn't possess it!

Being straightforward in your approach to life is a breath of fresh air for most people. They see you as someone they can trust and they always know where you stand. If you want to be grow, prosper, and enjoy life, establishing this characteristic is essential.

When people use direct communication, there is less chance taken for misunderstanding, yet there is the possibility for offending or surprising the receiver by the directness/canniness of the disclosure. So, this characteristic may not please everyone. - PS: this form of direct communication may have little or no effect if the receiver, for the caveat of information, is a person who is very unwilling to listen to you, or anyone else for that matter.

Bill Cosby once shared this bit of wisdom. He said there are many ways to succeed, but "the key to failure is trying to please everybody." Realistically, there are some people we just can't please. Or they just don't like us. Please, don't take it personally, as there are so many reasons involved in why someone likes or dislikes us. However, one does need to be aware of when not to change ones values or beliefs just to please someone else, or perhaps when to move on.

It's been said that friends are the family we choose for ourselves. Each time you use simple and effective communication skills you open yourself to opportunities and future friendships. By being and surrounding yourself with such dynamic personalities, you're bound to discover and nurture your very best qualities.

We all come into this life as diamonds in the rough. The cut gives a diamond its brightness that seems to come from its very center or heart, and which leads to its brilliance. Now is the time to use our innate abilities and talents and be a diamond cut to maximize our brilliance!

Mary Kay is available for private consultations, speaking engagements, etc.. Be sure to visit her website While browsing one can sign up for her *FREE* Monthly Newsletter, which is filled with inspirational, motivational and helpful information. Ignite your presence, and live in a whole new world of simplicity, ease and enjoyment. And be sure to check out her blog at

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