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September 16, 2011

Gratitude - When They Are Beating Us Down

Life on planet earth can seem more like a soap opera on a daily basis but without the added advantage of being able to turn a switch and blank out the screen.

Or can we?

A marker of how well we're doing in our evolution is how much trouble we are causing. We may not be consciously doing anything but our sheer presence may be throwing others into chaos. We may see ourselves as sensitive and kind, others may see us as difficult and confrontational. It's usually when we question their manipulation or attempts to control us. We will of course be doing this from a pure state of innocence and bewilderment. Why is this person acting like this? What am I doing to attract this?

Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the fair judge of all?

It's best not to judge anything or anyone least of all yourself. Each is here playing their given role, consciously or unconsciously.

It's during the really difficult periods, when the challenges seem never to let up, when life takes on a reality that defies belief that we need to turn inward and connect with Divine Gratitude.

Take the energy from the fight, whether outer or inner, and direct it towards love of Self. Feel gratitude for being human, for being sensitive enough to feel pain and hurt, knowing there are beings who feel no such emotion.

To develop as a fully feeling emotional intelligence is the work of being human.

We don't do that until we've been to hell in a handcart and then got lost.

Despite all the spiritual delusions that are out there no world was made for the benefit of humans that did not contain darkness. But we don't have to wallow in it, just take a quick trip now and then just to see that all is well in hell fire and brimstone land.

We'll only get stuck when we cease to remember that we are here for a short time only. We are here to get up enough acceleration to catapult us beyond the pull of negative gravity.

That does not entail us becoming emotionless as many erroneous teachings would have you believe. The more we feel, the more sensitivity we develop, the "lighter" we become, the more likelihood of lift off.

Lift off will not catapult us away from Earth's gravity, it will simply make us light enough and strong enough to avoid getting stuck in the treacle like energy of others unconscious emotional toxicity.

We must of course take responsibility for attracting everything into our life, including others toxic emotions. Like attracts like.

If we use it to clean up our act we will soon be filled with compassion and gratitude for the personal journey that has seen us evolve through some harrowing times.

We may have been married and divorced several times but we don't need to think there is something "wrong" with us. We may have changed our sexual gender, am I or am I not? We may have gone bankrupt several times, it may be the only way to teach us the real value of the monetary systems. All these things are merely the accelerated path we agreed with our Higher S-Elves to catapult our evolution.

Some refer to it as the "accelerated path of Karma."

Time is speeding up we do not have the time to take the long, slow winding road of incarnation after incarnation ad fintum.

Regardless of our belief systems religious or otherwise, we are facing the end times.

The end of enslavement either to an employer, spouse or financial institutions.

Freedom with responsibility to be the best human we can be is the new game we are playing here.

If we do not play fair with our full integrity we will find ourselves in deep trouble. The more we try to manipulate our way to avoid self- honesty the more problems will be encountered

So let's stop wasting our own and others time here, cut to the chase of our emotional honesty and say it like it is. No apologies, approach all situations with the dignity of our Higher Selves, even though we may be quaking at the knees, just ensure we don't go down on them. It has never been a Divine requirement that humans fall to their knees.

Let's do ourselves a huge favour and break through the erroneous belief system that money controls who or what we are. Stop selling our soul to the highest bidder. If what we are doing feels contrary to who we really are, then we need to quit. Know Divinity requires your full integrity, and as such a way will be opened to maintain that integrity.

We are required to return home with our souls intact. We've had enough of sending out special missions to hell to collect parts of our souls.

This article will speak to those who have already accessed their multidimensional selves and know for sure that what they experience here and now is only a tiny, but vitally important part of their totality.

During the time it's taken to read this they will have just completed several rounds of incarnation on other planets, enjoying the thrills and spills of a multidimensional universe.

"You don't get to choose how you're going to die, or when. You can only decide how you are going to live." Joan Baez

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