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September 24, 2011

Tea Party, A Third Party

Tea Party, A New and Separate Party

The Tea Party has hooked up with the Republican Party. Its views are so different that a new and separate party deserves consideration. Perhaps, it does not feel it can stand alone. When republican candidates have different views from this group, it runs a candidate against the republican candidate and often wins. This seems to me to justify a separate party. Otherwise, it is not a party at all but a collection of individuals who have their own agenda. Of course, should the Tea Party establish its own separate identity, the RNC would be weakened. Or, would it? Without the Tea Party, the Republican Party would become one of conservatives to moderates, picking up many independents. That could hurt the Democratic Party, especially with independents.

The projection at the federal level is that about 25% of congressmen office holders would be won in 4-8 years by this new group. It would split the Republicans and Democrats so that, initially, the democratic office holders would garner approximately 40%, the republican office holders 35% and the new group 25%. It is estimated that this new group would come from southern states (TX, LA, MS, AL, GA, SO, NC, TN, AR, OK, KY, WV, VA). The DNC would rule the northeast and CA or the Pacific states. The RNC would control the mountain states and some of the midwestern states. Obviously, many of the states bordering these areas would be in contention. Long term, the projection is that the parties would even themselves out with each of them having about a third of the elected office holders.

If this new group does not evolve, it is projected that the RNC as we know it will become subservient to the Tea Party. It could actually take it over and become republican in name only but in really "The Tea Party." Under this concept, what was otherwise moderate republican members (the Romney's, the McCain's, the Powell's) would have to start acting like Tea Party people or they could join the DNC or just become retired. At any rate, this does nothing to help the RNC. Therefore, I estimate that it will move to push the Tea Party out of the Republican Party to form its own, thus, saving the RNC from ruin. Under a three party alignment, the Tea Party would become ultra conservative, the RNC would become conservative to moderate and the DNC would become the liberal party.

Mr. William C. Harrison served in the U.S. Military Service for 20 years achieving the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. His career after the military evolved as follows:
? Founder and served as Chairman and CEO of Filaments Etcetera, Inc.
? Founder and served as Chairman, CEO and President of WCH EnviroTech administer Corporation
? Founder and served as Chairman of the Planning for Urban Revitalization of America, Inc. (A non-profit organization)
? Currently serving as Owner and Manager of H-Holdings, an umbrella organization administering several online websites including My Camping Mall, USA Campsite, and Video Toy Guy. He has published several articles relating to these websites and some unrelated to these.

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