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September 10, 2011

Boost Your Happiness - 7 Steps to a Blissful Life

Happiness is defined as "a state of well-being and contentment; a pleasurable or satisfying experience; good fortune". So very simple. As it stands--by definition--we should be happy most of the time, right?

Then why is it that every time we sit down to unwind in front of the TV after a long day of work, we are bombarded with commercials for drugs that treat depression and anxiety? We are now being convinced that depression medications alone aren't enough to help us feel better and now we need additional prescriptions that would make depression pills more effective.

For many of us life is overwhelming enough with everyday worries, so who has the time or energy to invest into some high-maintenance quest for happiness? How do we attain something so elusive?

I believe the trouble with happiness stems from our perception that there's a lack thereof. Our failure to stick to the simple dictionary definition has led us to the never-ending hunt for more of everything-and even then it's never enough because something bigger and better always comes up. As a society, we have been sucked into the vicious circle of greed, both psychological and material. We are forgetting to appreciate the moments and memories loaded with great potential for magnifying our state of well-being and contentment.

Happiness should be defined on an individual basis. Here are seven simple steps you can integrate into your life to boost your happiness:

1. Remind yourself to live in the moment by appreciating small things and acknowledging little moments of happiness. This magnifies them and allows you to focus on and enjoy the seemingly insignificant things that you usually take for granted.

2. Ditch excuses, nagging and complaining. They are unproductive and only postpone your bliss. Replace every negative thought and critical statement with something that inspires you to be nicer to yourself and people around you. Remember, it takes the same amount of effort to be nice as it does to be nasty.

3. Choose to take on a more positive outlook and stick with it. It might feel forced in the beginning but you will grow accustomed to it (fake it till you make it!) Positive attitude works wonders for improving your life.

4. Staying true to yourself by doing what feels right to you. This will give you the freedom to replace negative experiences with productive events and opportunities that enrich your life and make you grow.

5. Make a list of 5 tasks that you can successfully complete each day. This can be anything from small errands to reconnecting with an old friend; from organizing your desk to cooking a special gourmet meal-as long as you can cross off everything on that list at the end of the day and revel in your sense of accomplishment.

6. Make time just for YOU. Whether it's ten minutes of meditation, reading a book you enjoy, participating in a fitness class, a bubble bath or anything else--create the opportunity to give yourself a special treat every day.

7. Make someone feel good. Extend sweet gestures like a small gift or a complement; reach out to give inspiration or hope, make someone smile--any nice gesture will benefit all parties involved.

I do realize that not all of us think they can afford the luxury of checking every item on this list every day. You can start with one and then gradually develop the rest of your happiness skills.

Happiness itself is easy. The hard thing is making a commitment to be happy. The bottom line is you are in charge of your own well-being and you are the only person who's accountable for it. Own your reality! If you don't like it, you are the only person who can change it.

Now go find and cultivate YOUR Happiness!

If someone told you that happiness is not only within your reach but also under your control, would you believe them? Do you ever daydream about being truly happy and wonder if you'll ever reach a point where you can say with certainty that you've found your bliss? Happiness is easy. Discover how you can bring more happiness into your life. Learn how to create a happier experience for you and everyone around you by implementing some simple strategies that will enrich your every day life, allow you to define your bliss and show you how to achieve happiness.

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