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September 30, 2011

Smart Goals - The Untold Basics of Goal Setting

One of the biggest challenges we face in life is making goals only to fall far short of them. Many people dream of being rich, powerful and successful or of being happy in their relationships. Others may dream of hitting the game-winning homerun, or of being the homecoming queen.

Whatever the goals may be, so many of us never reach our dreams and aspirations - instead they remain just that, dreams. But the reason so many of us never reach those goals isn't because they're unreasonable, it's because we're sabotaging ourselves.

The true key to success is to make smart goals and alter our mindset.

Never Say Never

If you are truly serious about being successful and achieving your goals, then there are two words you need to eliminate from your vocabulary: never and impossible. All too often we give up on our goals because we allow negative thoughts to poison our minds and convince ourselves that what we are trying to achieve is impossible and that it will never happen.

With this kind of mindset, our dreams and goals are doomed right from the start. That's why it is essential to conquer your self-doubt and self-limiting assumptions. But how do we accomplish this? It's actually easier than you think.

Here are three key tips to keep in mind, which will help you to alter your mindset and achieve all of the goals and dreams that you never before thought possible:

Tip #1 - Focus Your Energy on What You Do Want

Too many people make the mistake of focusing all of their time and effort on what they do NOT want, rather than on what they do want. This is the kind of mindset that leaves people unhappy and broke. If you want to be successful, happy and wealthy, then you need to clearly define what it is that you do want.

Tip #2 - Focus on What You Can Believe

Many self-help gurus are of the opinion that you have to think big, really, really big when it comes to dreams. Unfortunately, this kind of attitude is responsible for the failure of countless individuals who turned to these gurus for help. The key to success is not in thinking big, but on committing to achieving something that you actually believe you can achieve. In other words, if you set your sights too high, you're setting yourself up for failure.

Rather than focusing on one huge, overwhelming and unobtainable goal, focus on the middle ground. That middle ground is somewhere between what you ultimately want to achieve and where you are now.

For example, let's say that you want to become a millionaire.

For many of us, this is a very difficult dream to achieve and one that can seem very daunting to say the least. Rather than focusing on becoming a millionaire, focus on a smaller goal, such as increasing your current income by an extra thousand dollars per month.

By focusing all of your energy on this smaller, more reasonable goal, you will build up your self-esteem and confidence when you achieve it. And once you do, set a new, higher goal. By setting smaller, achievable goals you will avoid becoming overwhelmed and you will be far more likely to achieve your ultimate goal, which in this case is to become a millionaire.

Tip #3 - Focus on Doing the Right Thing Long Enough and Consistently

If you focus on doing the right thing for long enough, and do it consistently, you will achieve your goals. Sounds simple right? It is but it still helps to break things down. Let's take a closer look at what each of these ideas mean:

Doing the Right Thing - If you constantly feel like you're making a sacrifice, and that every day that you work towards your goal feels like a struggle or a burden, then guess what, you are not doing the right thing. If you were doing the right thing, then you would feel empowered, energized and happy because you were on the right track and making progress towards your goal. Keep this in mind and constantly analyze your feelings to make sure you're moving in the right direction and making smart goals that truly represent what you want.Doing it Long Enough - Forget about time limits. Anytime you set time limits on your goals then you are just setting yourself up for failure, because time limits generate fear and the fear of failure is toxic. Instead, commit to the belief that you will continue doing whatever it takes for as long as it takes to achieve your goals. Even though you don't know when you will achieve your goals, you do know that you will, and that will make it happen much faster than if you set a time limit.Doing it Consistently - Consistency is the key to success. You should be pursuing your goals on a regular basis. The more consistent you are, the quicker you will achieve your goals.

Remember, you are in control of your future, but you have to make smart goals. By taking these ideas and beliefs to heart, you will begin to see that all of the impossible dreams you had before are now becoming more and more possible.

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