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September 20, 2011

Seeing It, Doing It, Being It (The Belief And Faith Article)

Napoleon Hill said that faith is the head chemist of the mind, and passionate unwavering belief is the engine behind all achievement, regardless of temporary failures. With that, from a pretty venerable source, I begin this article. This is where imagination is more powerful than knowledge, in this kind of conceiving and belief however. Anything that can be thought of rationally, not necessarily and always "realistically", can be done. However, it all must be done in rational steps, like the progression from the candle, to the oil powered lamp, to the light bulb, to flourescent lighting panels.

Faith is the head chemist in this sense: We have to get out of balance and take the next step to advance anywhere, whether it is walking or inventing a new way of doing anything. I remember when cell phones and smart phones were "Star Trek" technology, which actually was not too long ago, now they are commonplace, space flight is becoming the same way. The irrational and silly that does not work now will be the normal and accepted later. The thing that does not work now and is nothing now will be something later through the rational process of finding out how it really works at a very deep and base level. Think about it, power comes to those who get out of balance in large ways and genuinely take the next step up in anything. That is how genuine evolution and genuine revolutions genuinely happen.

To my way of thinking then, ultimately through this process nothing is genuinely impossible. If we see it in our minds, rationally do what is needed to make it work without regard to temporary failure, and be what we genuinely need to be to make the concept work, it can genuinely be done. For, look at an oak tree or even a redwood tree: both trees grow so slowly that we all wonder how they grow at all, yet, they do grow from the pattern of the source energies that enter the seed and program it to grow and germinate in that way. Everything happens this way, maybe a little faster or a little slower. Everything works toward expression and growth. I do mean everything.

Nature has passionate, unwavering patience and so should we, because everything happens in steps, first things get of balance and then a step is taken forward or up in the positive, growth sense. The point to this article is becoming obvious, so I do not have to mention the negative, destructive sense except as something we would prefer not to do. So, look, everyone wants to win, even the "worst loser you know". Everyone wants a positive life that is winning, even "the worst loser you know." Would the "worst loser you know" decline the win of a million dollars if it was given to them without strings? No. That is part of my point. Everyone wants to win, everyone wants to take the step forward and not backwards. That is the biggest point to my article. It comes down to genuinely seeing it first, doing and then being it as the last step without wavering or laziness, because to be a genuine being is to win and have a winning concept and work ethic in your mind, soul and spirit. The concept within cannot be ducked in any way. If it could, then it would be easy for "the worst loser you know to crack the nut" of genuine winning. Genuine winning comes down to this: A winning concept of yourself all the way through you, the rest comes with actions and realities you make yourself upon that.

Sure, this makes a good article. But you must genuinely see the article (As well as read it and comprehend it fully), do what you need to do with the advice in it, then be what you need to be with what you know. I am not saying it is easy, I am saying it is honestly hard. But a deep concept of winning, like the growth of a tree, only a little shorter in developing fully, takes effort. It takes concentrated and total effort on your part, yourself as it does me, myself. It all starts within you as it starts within me to think, act and generate the results wanted.

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

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