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September 27, 2011

Four Reasons Why Immorality Is On The Up Rise Today

Second Timothy 3:1-5 says, "but know this, that in the last days perilous time will come. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanders, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitor's headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power." We can see from that passage of scripture that these things are happening now. We are living in the last days and immorality is on the up rise.

I believe there are four things that have caused immorality to be rising daily.

Lack of prayer is one reason why immorality is on the rampage. We do not pray as we should, we live in a world where everything is a rush. When we awaken in the morning, we are already late. So much lies ahead of us for the day and prayer is not head of the list so it is not done and as a result of not praying, we are drawn into the snares of the devil because we have not been spiritually filled for the day to ward off his devices.

Another thing that has caused immorality to be on the up rise is the lack of faith. We do not have enough faith in God so we try to work things out for ourselves. In the process, we devour each other trying to reach the top. The depth that men would go to preserve himself is without limits.

Compromising is another thing that we have done that has caused an increase in immorality. Instead of standing up for the things that we know is right, we will compromise because we do not want to be persecuted. We will try to see the right in the wrong but in actuality, there is no right in wrong but we will still try to justify our actions or another's action. Compromising against what the word of God has said is not an option, unfortunately, we have tried to compromise it and it has landed us literally into a world of trouble.

Cares of the world is another reason why immorality is on the up rise. We have valued stuffed more than God. It has become our treasures but it is also someone else's treasure and that is why stealing is on the rampage. We are afraid to leave home because we are fearful that someone will break into our home and steal our goods.

We are more concerned about what other people think of us than what God thinks about us and when we care more about what the world thinks than what God thinks, we are drawn into the world. We are swallowed up by it and all those things mentioned in Second Timothy 3:1-5.

These are the last days that we are living in and it is time to return to God and His way of doing things. If we would do that, we will start to see immorality decrease and that would make a more peaceful life for us.

I am a License Practical Nurse. I have been in this field for over 25 years. I enjoy helping and encouraging others. My main hobbies are reading and writing. I am a Wife, Mother and Grandmother. I am also President of the Parent Teachers Organization. President of the Parent Supporter Task Force and a member of the Parent Leadership Institute.

My website is: I sell a variety of Christian Products such as E-books, Poems, and Teachings. Free weekly Devotions. Inspirational products like Crosses, Bible covers, Plaques, Figurines and more.

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