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September 17, 2011

Time to Wake Up - Is It Really an Option?

"Truth is fierce and unrelenting. Making mistakes, not being loved, and dying are inescapable experiences of being human; so is our fear of them. By facing those fears we have a chance to step beyond them. When we are willing to do the best we can with what we know, to be honest with ourselves and others about who we are and what really matters to us, only then are our lives we live and the love we receive truly our own." From "Hannah's Gift" by Maria Housden

Corruption in high places is nothing new. We have recently had exposure of the excessive expenses of EU Bureaucrats, almost 7 million. Most of us yawn and mumble something about rich fat cats and corruption, then get on with life the best way we can. And so nothing seems to change as far as being governed by rich power hungry politicians who are backed by the seriously wealthy multinational corporations and industrial conglomerates.

Anyone who has undertaken any serious research and who is no longer on a high spiritual plateau zonked out with incense, candles and mystic chants will see how necessary it is for humans to awaken en-masse. Sadly this is unlikely to happen unless a mega catastrophe happens somewhere. Then within 9 days mass loss of life and destruction will no longer hit the headlines and we will be once again gossiping about the latest celebrity scandal or some other mind numbing story.

I once overheard a Quaker member reconcile the Iraq war by saying "This has served to awaken millions of people worldwide." Did it?

Doubtless many of you reading this today have already done your research on the global situation and discovered that Conspiracy "Theories" are less theory and more fact, sickening facts at that. Many of you may have already travelled the highs and lows of spiritual discovery and landed right back where you started and wondered "What was that all about?"

Regardless of how dramatic, exciting or traumatising your own awakening was or will be, you will rarely find that the world you left prior to your introduction and guided tour of our multidimensional universe, has changed much. But you have.

I have recently met some deeply spiritually aware and street wise individuals who have yet to find "their place" and who end up cleaning toilets, because they cannot find a credible non-corrupt way to earn a living on this planet. Even those who claim to be "seekers" and attend meditation retreats or mindfulness seminars merely want a quick fix to lift them from the spiritual desert they may have been inhabiting but seldom do they really want to challenge and change the status quo. If it means going through some discomfort, forget it.

"It may be an illusion but it is my illusion and I do not want you to disturb me."

Walking through most middle-size towns in the UK one cannot fail to observe the "walking dead." Look into most people's eyes and what will be looking back at you will not be the soul-fired light of inspiration and enthusiasm but the befuddled and confused look of someone walking in a half awakened coma.

That's why I keep the opening paragraph to hand to remind me of what truly matters. That and chocolate ice-cream.

"In spiritual life there is no room for compromise. Awakening is not negotiable, we cannot bargain to hold on to things that please us whilst relinquishing things that do not matter to us. A lukewarm yearning for awakening is not enough to sustain us through difficulties involved in letting go. It is important to understand that anything that can be lost was never truly ours; anything we deeply cling to only imprisons us." Jack Kornfield

Articles and Free E-book can be found on Multidimensional Realities

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