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September 15, 2011

Islamic Relief USA - Built To End Poverty Once And For All

It is no secret that poverty is one of the greatest and most serious problems the world is facing right now. In different countries from all over, millions of people, from the young and old are dying due to malnutrition and disease - and if no one does anything about this problem, this problem will significantly rise within the near future.

With this in mind, Islamic Relief USA aims to put a stop to this problem as efficiently and as quickly as it can.

Through its numerous programs and services, IRUSA has now helped millions of people from all over the world from the needless sufferings that they are enduring due to poverty.

Among the many areas of the world, East Africa is one of the worst hit. It has millions of people who are suffering from malnutrition and poverty - and with the drought that it is experiencing now (the worst for over 60 years), indeed, help for this embattled country is needed more than ever.

With the services of this organization and the support that it has been receiving from its generous sponsors from all over the world - things are getting a little better for those in East Africa.

Recently, numerous irrigation systems have been built by IRUSA which allow those people from the drought affected areas to access water. This is despite the fact that most of these people actually live in very isolated areas with inaccessible roads. This is just a testament of how dedicated this organization is in its objective to help all of those who need help.

Unfortunately, despite the valiant efforts - there are still malicious connotations that are being attached to IRUSA. There are some who actually have named this benevolent organization as Islamic Relief Hamas - relating its efforts and services to terrorism.

But if you think about it closely, how can Islamic Relief terrorism be connected with its efforts - when all that this organization aims to do is to help alleviate poverty in this world?

How can there be terrorism when the people comprising Islamic Relief USA have gone to isolated areas and have spent days just to reach their destination to help the needy? The answer is that Islamic Relief terrorism does not exist at all.

In fact, if you think about it - what Islamic Relief USA is doing is actually a total turn around of what terrorism stands for. Terrorism actually seeks to destroy - while Islamic Relief USA aims to help. You do the math, and you'll realize that indeed, this organization just wants to have a better world.

And for the information of everyone, Islamic Relief has been in existence for twenty years already - with millions of lives made better through its services and with billions of dollars worth of help that they have aptly distributed to all that need them.

These are just some of the things that you need to know about Islamic Relief. These guys just want to help. And if you want to help them make a better world - then don't hesitate to contact them. You will surely not regret it.

Ahmad Mohee, a freelance IT specialist. All opinions in my articles are personal and do not represent the official opinion of any third party.

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