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September 29, 2011

Thought Pattern Strategies For A Fulfilled and Healthy Life

Most people don't realize this, but your thought pattern is something that really shapes your life. What you think corresponds directly with what you do, and what you do shapes who you are, how you feel and how much control you have.

You can achieve anything you want. You just have to want it, and that's why, your thoughts really are important.

Here's An Example For You

Let's say you wake up in the morning and you just decide that you're going to have a really bad day. Now, I really don't care what the reason for that decision is. I don't care if you wake up with a migraine, toothache or just a gut feeling.

It really doesn't matter what caused you to make that decision, what's important is that you have decided that your day is not going to be good.

Soon you realize that things really aren't turning out that great and you think to yourself: "Yes! I knew it was going to happen. This is just a bad day."

Well, if I am to be honest with you, I need to tell you that it happened just because you wanted it to happen. You attracted a bad day into your life, because...

You Are In Control

You really shape your own destiny. You are in control of your life and your thought pattern really is extremely important to anything that happens in your life, so...

Change Your Pattern!

Easier said than done, right? I mean, how are you supposed to change how you think? How are you supposed to change how you perceive the world and people around you?


Let me tell you something I like to tell people when I talk about how powerful their mind is. See, your mind can only accommodate one thought at a time, so there can only be one thought occupying your mind at any given moment.

Now, this can be either a positive, active thought, or a negative, passive one.

How you change your thought pattern is you go through your day, and whenever you have a thought that's not very good and you want to get it out of your mind, all you really have to do is replace that thought with...


A positive, active one. A thought you actually want to have.

So, Here Are Your Choices

Whenever there's a problem you face in your life, you can either act or react. If you act, you control the situation, you shape your life. If you react, you look at what other people do and pretty much decide that you have no power whatsoever.

The truth is, however that you do have the power to achieve anything you want. You can be as powerful as you would like. Your life can be the happiest life ever. All you have to do is alter your thought pattern and you're good to go, so. All you have to do is act instead of reacting and decide to take control, so... get going with it!

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