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September 28, 2011

The Power of Choice - Happiness

I read a meditation recently where the author said, "Your odds for success are greatly enhanced if you speak the 'language' of those with whom you are dealing. So, if you want to manifest in the universe, you have to speak in the same language as Spirit. When the Creator said 'let there be Light,' there was Light!"

Then the author makes the observation that if we are made in the spiritual likeness (not a physical likeness) of a Creator, what we speak becomes manifest.

Is it possible for you to picture a creative force, purring in neutral, waiting for instructions in order to leap into gear? Imagine it. If there's not a force of some sort, where does life spring from? There is something, somewhere that creates. Whether we conceptualize it as a Being or a Force isn't, perhaps, as important as simply acknowledging that it exists.

And we are products of it. Therefore, we are like that which creates. A creator or creative force gives birth to beings which can create.

So, create!

But first let's ask what it is that every single person wants? What is the one thing that is universal, no matter what culture, what socialization, what beliefs, what conditions any human being lives in? What is the one absolutely universal desire that drives us and makes us do what we do - even if what is done is unwise, unkind or immoral?

That desire is happiness - to either find it or to maintain it. People are driven to make money not because money itself is a bed or food or happiness. But because money might be one small component - buying the bed or the food - on the path to happiness.

So choose happiness first. You have the power to choose among your emotions. Clearly, the choice to feel unhappy is counterproductive.

Isn't that what the movie The Secret suggested? If a person says, "I'm miserable," she not only remains miserable, but calls down upon herself yet more misery.

If we say, as Wayne Dyer wisely but simply suggests, "I choose to be HAPPY," we call to ourselves happiness.

It's impossible to hold a miserable thought and a happy thought at the same time. We can only hold one thought at a time. Our emotional "body" will simply pick one if we make no conscious choice. Be conscious, choose happiness.

There is more power in making the choice to be happy than in any other choice you can freely make.

Dr. Blythe Ayne has written several books that help guide people to better health and happier lives.

She received her Doctorate from the University of California at Irvine in Social Sciences. She lives on ten acres of forest in the state of Washington where she works to support the natural habitat.

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