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September 17, 2011

Common Flaws That Bring Down the Popularity of an Android App

Ever wondered why some android apps are more popular than others? The reason lies in some flaws that the unpopular ones have? This is not to say that every app is perfect. It's just that some flaws are better hidden than others. It is those flaws that don't remain hidden that contribute towards app failure.

Now, it's important to understand the key to the popularity of the app is determined by its quality and appeal, which in turn is a direct result of the android app development company that you choose. The reason why we have mentioned this fact is that if you choose a company that doesn't have the expertise and experience of bringing out quality apps, there is a good chance that the app will end up being a failure. A professional app development company will never develop overtly flawed apps.

Let's have a look at the flaws that an android app might have, that are usually very self-evident.

Poor Visuals

One of the first things that users note in an app is the quality of its visuals. Let's say, it's the visuals that make the first impression and in most cases a lasting impression. That's because before somebody is going to use an Android app and test its functionality, he/she is going to see that app. If the app doesn't have the kind of images that generate interest, say goodbye to its popularity.

Works in fits and starts

An android app or any other app for that matter can only become popular if it has a seamless functionality. This means, once it's been downloaded, the user needs to be able to optimize its functionality. A user shouldn't be made to wait endlessly by the app as it goes through its various functionalities. What this means is that the app should perform optimally.

Full of annoying forced closes

Say you are using the android application and when you are right in the middle of something you are forced to close the app because it hangs up on your or for some other reason. Does it sound irritating, well it certainly is! Nobody likes it and it has a marked effect on the popularity of the app.

So, here they are - The various flaws that have a detrimental effect on the android app popularity. As can be seen, these are flaws that are very evident and difficult to ignore. It's important that the Android application development process ensures that these flaws do not occur in the final app.

PLAVEB is a leading Mobile Application Development and Android App Development Company who has experienced Application developers with years of core experience in the same field. You can visit for more information.

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