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September 26, 2011

Racism, Riots, Entitlements - What Is Wrong With Western Civilization? The Answers Are Simple

Racial Tension, Racism, U.K. Riots, Entitlements; What is wrong with western civilization? The answers are simple and they are here for you to read.

It isn't the fault of one race or another. It is the fault of the governments and media who have been telling them every day for more than 50 years that they're all supposed to live together in harmony. Different races and cultures traditionally had their own countries so they could live their lives freely without worrying about accommodating or offending every other race and culture in the world. One government or one set of rules cannot be made to effectively represent the wants and needs of all races and cultures at the same time. There are several glaring examples in history to corroborate this such as the failure of the League of Nations, the U.N., and internal social/economic policies of the U.S., Europe, etc.

Political correctness is completely detached from natural laws, common sense, and human nature. Anyone, who dares to raise an opposing point of view, if only to point out that their methods haven't worked at all, is immediately branded a racist. "Racist", now being the dirtiest word in the English language, is (almost) justification for the even the most brazen to flee from that accusation. The definition of racist is one who believes that the various races of this planet are different from each other (I believe we call that "diversity") and a belief that your "team" (or race) is the best. That is all consistent with human nature, not hate. Hate however is a common manifestation of multiple races being integrated by force of law while being told it is natural and serendipitous. The aspects of human nature which motivate us to segregate ourselves racially and culturally are mechanisms to promote the survival and longevity of the group. If that type of "instinctive" behavior did not exist among humans, I would venture to say that we would have all merged into one mixed race millennia ago.

Let's acknowledge something else weighing on race relations in historically white countries; the whites want and deserve their own countries as much as any other race and the white's countries, cultures, and ways of life are the only ones that are vanishing. People need to wake up and reject once and for all the failed policies based on liberal utopian fantasies. Their philosophies are flawed and this should at long last be obvious to all after more than a half century of consistent and complete failure of liberal social and economic policies.

Liberal policies have failed so miserably in part because some of the central tenets of liberal philosophy are fallacies. For instance their policies are built on the assumption that the only characteristic differences separating all of the various races and cultures on Earth are purely cosmetic in nature (i.e. like makeup). To assert that values, priorities, attitudes, and attributes do not vary from race to race is ludicrous. The differences among races and cultures are part of what makes the world go around.

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