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September 21, 2011

Islamic Relief USA - Breaking Boundaries

Islamic Relief USA is an organization that stands firm with the belief that all humans deserve to have a better life - regardless of the denomination and regardless of what country one may belong to.

And it is because of this belief that IRUSA continues to provide services to those who are in desperate need for help. All over the world, millions of people have benefited from the efforts of this benevolent organization - making its dream of having a better world closer to reality.

Unfortunately, not all are as happy with the way things are going with Islamic Relief USA. There are some baseless claims that this organization is one way or another connected with terrorism and the Hamas. However, I will beg to disagree. And this is for the following reasons:

Helps Children

If you try to look at the different programs of IRUSA - you will realize that Islamic Relief Hamas is actually just a figment of someone's imagination. All over the world, millions of children, through Islamic Relief's efforts have already been provided with the basic necessities that they will need in order to have a better life and a more promising future.

The organization's programs and services have already provided numerous areas from all over the world with schools, classrooms, school supplies and many other essentials that are needed to ensure a better education for the young and old alike. Aside from education it also has numerous programs and services that have been specifically designed to protect children from any kinds of abuses and mal-treatments, whether from their own parents or from strangers.

Judging from these facts, it can now be said that Islamic Relief and terrorism do not go together at all. In fact, it can even be said that what this organization offers to the world is actually a total deviation from what terrorism and the Hamas aims to have.

Aims To Have A Better World

It is also worthy to note that Islamic Relief USA is not focused on the plight of children alone. It has also numerous other programs and services that are aimed to solve the problem with poverty - and solve the world's problem with hunger.

This is why this organization does its best to provide all in need with the necessary help. In East Africa where a very serious drought has caused numerous damage and deaths - Islamic Relief is one among the many organizations who are trying their best to make sure that water becomes accessible to all.

The organization, with the support of all its sponsors, have built and designed numerous irrigation systems - all for the purpose of solving the continent's drought problem, as well as providing basic necessities to those who are affected by the said problem through the distribution of food, clothing, medicines and all other basic necessities that are necessary to ensure the safety and welfare of all.

From this it can be concluded that indeed, Islamic Relief USA is a far cry from the negative names connected to it - such as Islamic Relief Terrorism or Islamic Relief Hamas. It is now up to you whether you want to believe all these negative stories or not. But in the end, one thing is for sure - and this is that Islamic Relief USA will break boundaries to make the world a whole lot better.

Ahmad Mohee, a freelance IT specialist. All opinions in my articles are personal and do not represent the official opinion of any third party.

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