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September 22, 2011

In My Youth

In my youth, I thought how gratifying it would be to dance through life without a care or any accountability; doing whatever crossed my mind that day. Adulthood of a sort set in and after careful reflection, I came to the understanding that actions taken in my life without, responsibility and knowledge for the same would be relatively unproductive, hollow and probably painful.

Let's look at the decisions that need to be made in furthering continued education, and subsequently, the choice we make in selecting learning institutions. At such a tender age of 18 one usually needs some guidance. Do we seek the advice of one or many? Do we rely on counselors, parents, members of the church, friends, and along with that process, gain much- needed information and wisdom to assist in decision-making These actions could be the beginning of life-long habits of responsibility.

How do we choose friends? Do we select people who have the same moral turpitude that we have? Are they goal oriented along the same lines that we are? I am sure there are many who would consider these characteristics unnecessary, but mingling with like-minded people is especially useful in life. These attributes often serve as a support function ultimately giving encouragement. Actions such as this do not deny us friendships, with different people but, they do affect one's core principles.

Another area of one's life is trust, such a precious commodity. So precious, in fact, that one needs to look long and hard before we give it to another person. How do we decide? Who we should trust and who not to trust? I would say that knowledge and prudence should go into the equation; One should be careful not to bestow this relationship upon someone within a diminutive time, but only after serious consideration and after viewing that person's action and life style, ultimately deciding if they are they worthy of one's trust.

What about when we marry? The first encounter is usually physical attraction, but if that is all there is to the relationship, usually, it will not be satisfying or of a long duration. Building on principles of responsibility, knowledge, and trust will we find out if we have the same religious beliefs, do we have the same strategy for accomplishments, what is one's approach to financial consideration and ultimately, do we have the same short and long-term goals. All these questions and many more have to be answered to reach a sensible decision. This is an ongoing exercise, as we grow we need to maintain the same foundational pinning.

As for children, to whom do we entrust them? Because a person is a member of the family, the clergy, or the school system, this should not be a guarantee of automatic trust. We have to take responsibility by gaining knowledge that will allow us to make an informed decision. In doing so we are guarding children against inexcusable behavior and teachings.

In all the aforementioned situations, we have spoken of, responsibility, knowledge, trust; I ask myself why we do not apply these same principles, standards to elected officials? After all, they will be making decisions and enacting laws that affect citizens lifestyles. Presently, government control is extreme in its reach, far greater than it has ever been in the history of this great nation. Alarmingly the extensive grab is about to change the foundations of America. Your voice is of the utmost importance, perhaps more so than it has ever been. As Americans, we should cherish the right to vote and give serious examination of those to whom we give a precious vote... I might add, a vote; born of blood, sweat, and tears.

Jacquie Hurlbut is a writer who wishes to bring attention to the responsibility of citizenship that we all hold dear. American lives are too busy and; therefore, we inadvertently forget ones duties to this great Nation. Freedom has to be nurtured on a continuous basis. Please visit in order to read other articles.

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