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September 22, 2011

How to Stay Healthy and Happy in the Workplace

A healthy and happy worker is more capable of dealing with stress in the workplace than someone with a negative outlook and poor physical condition. A positive attitude and a fit body can withstand longer hours, increasing work load, looming deadlines and difficult colleagues. Conversely, a person who is not in the best shape is more susceptible to falling ill, becoming easily irritable, missing deadlines and getting into confrontations with co-workers.

Strive to be the best you can be physically, emotionally and mentally. You will be more productive. Your superiors will appreciate not just the quality of your work but also your attitude. When picking candidates for promotions, upper management will always choose the ones who possess both a healthy and happy disposition to go with the skills necessary for the position.

Below are suggestions on how to keep in shape and foster a positive attitude at work:

Get enough sleep. A good night's sleep helps us to function better the next day. When we lack sleep, we are unable to concentrate. We are likely to snap at people over the smallest things. Aim to get at least seven hours a night.

Eat a good breakfast. That quick cup of coffee on the way to work won't be enough to fuel you until lunch. Your grumbling stomach will not allow you to concentrate on discussions and tasks. So take the time to prepare a nutritious breakfast before stepping out of the house.

Avoid office politics. Healthy and happy people are above anything petty, like engaging in time-wasting, negative activities such as office gossip. They also don't take things personally when their work is criticized. When they are personally attacked, they keep their poise. Rather than confront the offending party, they go through the proper channels of reporting that person. Happy people don't let others' malicious intentions bring them down and choose to be the bigger person in the equation. Adopting this attitude is definitely better for one's emotional and mental health.

Work smart. If the work load keeps piling up, don't panic and fret over what to do next. The rule of thumb is to organize your to-do list according to priority levels. Don't hesitate to seek help from others if you need an extra pair of hands with a particular task.

Speak up. If you think you have too much on your plate and need an extension on a deadline or two so as not to affect the quality of your work, then by all means negotiate. Some employees are just too scared to tell their superiors they can't meet the deadline so they continue working in fear and frustration. You need to remember that you are a human being and not a robot.

Separate work life from home life. Don't bring home anything work-related with you. Use time at home to relax and recharge so you can face each work day a healthy and happy individual.

My site teaches how to bring happiness, health and wealth to people's lives. My site offers excellent coaching to a better, wealthy, Happy and Healthy lifestyle, with free interviews of well-known life coaches.

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