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September 19, 2011

Four Wonderfully Weird Animal Adaptations

In the quest for survival, animals have developed some very unique tricks to give them the upper hand. These adaptations may help them find food, or keep them from becoming food.

Why The Zebra Is Black and White

To your eyes, it is pretty easy to spot a zebra on the African plain. The sharp contrast of the black and white stripes stands out against the otherwise yellow landscape. However, effective camouflage is in the eye of the hunter.

The zebra's biggest threat is the lion which, it just so happens, is color blind. Lions see the world in black and white. While this doesn't make a zebra invisible, the strong black lines seen throughout a herd of zebra can look very confusing. The lion has trouble seeing where one zebra ends and the next one begins. It is very hard to bite a moving target when you can't tell where it is.

The Seal Who Can Blow A Balloon Out Of His Nose

Throughout nature you will find some very interesting displays put on by males to either attract a mate, or look more menacing. None is quite so gross as the Hooded Seal.

Anytime he wants to show off he can blow a bubblegum-pink balloon out of his nostril. Not a little one, but at least the size of a football. To emphasize the matter he then waggles his head around, bouncing the balloon back and forth making a sound like a basketball on concrete.

The balloon is actually a rubbery membrane sac that spends most of its time inside the nose of the seal. Over time, this "stupid seal trick" of being able to inflate the sac has become both a threatening statement and attractive mating call.

Ladybugs Will Pee Blood When Frightened

If you've ever had a ladybug leave a little yellow spot on your finger you may be surprised to learn that is blood, not urine. The sticky yellow goo is actually excreted when the ladybug (or lady beetle) is feeling threatened. It has a rather displeasing odor that would fend off more bug-sized predators.

While it's not much of a bother to us, be careful where you wipe your finger. It will leave a strong yellow stain on your pants.

The Jellyfish Who Can Live Forever

Immortality may actually exist. Scientist have found a species of jellyfish, Turritopsis nutricul, who can regenerate its whole self. When the going gets tough it can degenerate from a jellyfish to a glob of goo on the ocean floor. That would be like a butterfly reversing the process and turning back into a caterpillar.

When it's good and ready, the Turritopsis can repeat the metamorphosis to become a jellyfish happily swimming through the Caribbean once again. There seems to be no sign of a limit on the number of times it can regenerate itself.

All these unique adaptations have developed through the generations to give the species a slight survival advantage. That is the wonder of evolution!

Ryan Pilling satisfies his curious mind as an amateur factologist researching and writing his blog; Learn Something New Every Day.

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