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September 15, 2011

15 Interesting Facts About Moles

1. Moles are mostly known for their ability to burrow underground and to get from place to place by digging with their paws, but did you also know that they are also semi aquatic as well?

2. It has been found that because their saliva contains a toxin that can paralyze earthworms, moles are able to store their still living prey for later consumption.

3. It has been found that before eating earthworms, moles pull them between their squeezed paws to force the collected earth and dirt out of the worm's gut.

4. Moles have a unique ability to construct special underground "larders" for the just purpose of storing food such as earthworms.

5. Did you know that researchers have discovered such larders containing over a thousand earthworms in them?

6. Did you know that a mole's diet primarily consists of earthworms and other small invertebrates found in the soil and also a variety of nuts?

7. It has been found that Moles are able to re-use the oxygen they have inhaled when above ground.

8. Because moles are able to re-use the oxygen they have inhaled when above ground, they can survive in low-oxygen environments such as underground burrows.

9. It has been said that Moles have been found to be resistant to higher levels of carbon dioxide compared to other mammals that are in the world today.

10. The reason for moles being resistant to higher levels of carbon dioxide is because their blood has a special and unique sort of haemoglobin protein found in their blood cells.

11. The bodies of moles are cylindrical in shape to make it easy for them to not only burrow but to also run through small cylindrical tunnels as well.

12. Their eyes are quite small and are kept covered just enough so they can see where yet are going, tell day from night, as well as kept shielded whilst they are tunneling otherwise they are mostly very poor sighted.

13. You will find that moles are the dominant members of the mammal family, which is the Talpidae family in the order of Soricomorpha.

14. You will find moles living and breathing underground in most countries as continents including most parts of North America, Asia, and Europe although strangely there are no moles in Ireland.

15. Scientists have noted that The Star-nosed Mole can detect, catch and eat food faster than the human eye can follow which is under 0.3 seconds.

Find out more about moles and mole extermination methods to control moles who come into your garden.

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