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September 3, 2011

The Fall of Gadaffi and Internet Marketing

Libya's civil war or revolution began in February 2011 and it has been a hard won victory with many atrocities committed and although the rebels have 'won' the revolution is far from over. The rebels were not just one group with at least five separate organisations involved, although united in their desire to remove Gadaffi from power, the various groups involved in the rebellion often did not share the same long term goals. While some are pushing for democracy with free elections, free press and separation of power between the judicial, executive, and legislative branches of the government, another group is seeking the return of a constitutional monarchy while another group would like to see Islamic law introduced into Libya.

But what does all this have to do with internet marketing? My contention, while tenuous, is that the rebellion is now at the same point as someone brand new to internet marketing, faced with a number of choices and unsure which is the best way forward to achieve their goal.

While Libya faces decisions around political structure, the relationship between church and state, dealing with tribalism, distribution of wealth, building infrastructure, foreign policy, and so on the new internet marketer is faced with choices between article marketing, pay-per-click, banner advertising, email marketing, social networking, forum marketing, online classifieds, and so on.

One of the important differences between the two though is what the overall goal is. While with internet marketing the goal is basically to earn an income for the marketer in Libya the goal is not so clear. While one would hope the goal would be for the improvement in the quality of life for all Libyan people that is not necessarily the case. Some will have that lofty goal but others will simply seek money and power for themselves, others will try to promote tribal interests ahead of universal ones, others will try and introduce what they believe God would want. If you put the agendas of other countries into the mix trying to find a way forward will be a nightmare for any new government.

As a new internet marketer needs good training and mentoring to successfully find their way forward in their business, so to will the new Libyan government need good guidance, advice, training and support in the future.

Just as many new internet marketers fail to achieve their goals unfortunately history shows us that after a revolution the new regime can be just as bad for the general population as the old one was.

Just as I hope people who are new to internet marketing get good advice and training to develop a business that best suits them personally so to do I hope that the international community will support the new government of Libya even if it doesn't look exactly the way they would like. If a constitutional monarchy, benevolent dictator, or even some form of communism would be best for the improvement of basic human rights for all Libyans at this point in time then they should be considered. A 'democracy or bust' attitude may not be the the best answer.

For more opinions about internet marketing visit Paul at his blog or his website

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