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September 3, 2011

Know More About Speed Reading

In order to become a speed reader, you must train your optical muscles to be able to see more words at a time, but you should be aware that the linguistic part of the brain plays also an important part in this process. There are several tips that you could try to guarantee the success of speed reading. One of them is, of course, the practice, that is you should use your skills on a regular basis. Compare the speed reading process with the moment you have learnt how to read: it is difficult and it takes time. You should start the process with an easy book or novel because this way your eye and your linguistic part of the brain are prepared to begin the process. Do not use speed reading for everything because there are some important documents that require all your attention and you must be very focused when you read them. That`s why you should choose a strategy before starting.

Do not forget to keep the time of your reading when you start the preparations for speed reading because this way you can easily track your evolution throughout the process. The training for speed reading is done through a collection of reading techniques and eye exercises especially created to increase one`s reading speed in time. Here are some important features: a good environment, maintaining an excellent posture, adequate oxygen, eyesight and focus. When it comes to techniques, meta guiding technique is very popular. This technique was discovered by Evelyn Wood and it involves using an object to guide your eye to enhance speed when reading a text.

If you want to be a speed reader is not enough to know the methods, but also do some daily exercises to keep your reading skills sharp. Therefore, you should make warm up exercises, test your performances on a regular base and this way you will be protected from losing your reading skills. Specialists say that your reading skills can only be as good as your eyesight allows it to be. People over 40 are recommended to get their eyes checked at least once a year. Also, it is recommended to do exercises over and over again to keep your speed reading skills. You can exercise every day when you open a book, a magazine or a newspaper and do not forget to do it as a professional.

An enriched vocabulary is another factor that can help you in reading faster. It is only logical that with fewer unknown words the speed will improve. You should learn common prefixes, roots and suffices that would help you decode other words and at the same time, help you in the speed reading process. The best way to enlarge you vocabulary is to read more and very diversified texts because you will be able to learn new words from different domains. Make reading part of your life if you want to keep your reading skill forever. Practice daily to obtain excellence.

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