Life is really one of the most precious gifts given to man from above, and it is to our advantage to live it in its fullness. We arrived in this world already equipped for greatness. Life is so short compared to eternity, so now is your season to shine. It's time to take center stage in some areas of your life you have been practicing long enough. Circumstances and situation have their way of pushing us down, but you must arise and awaken to your fullest life now, time is running out, no more excuses. Whatever it is that is holding you back you must break loose and run towards your destiny. Are you satisfied with where you are right now, or do you believe that there is more awaiting you?
It's time to use your stumbling blocks as stepping-stones. Why go through so many trials and not gain wisdom and strength from them. Ok, you must understand you are gifted. Yes, you are gifted with something or some things that will set your life on fire. What you are passionate about is a great starting point. Passion is described as a strong desire which causes your expectation to run wild. The opposite of passion is boredom and that is a strong indicator that you are off track somewhere. What are you waiting for, live life now! Time is running out for all of us. The sand in the hourglass is flowing downwards. Your gift/gifts are ready to make room for you and place you among great men.
Are you still saying when I grow up I want to be this or that, and not really realizing that you are already grown? It does not matter how young or how old you are it's not too late. Did you know that John McCain was seventy-two years old when he ran for president of the U.S.? Age is just a number don't let anything or anyone stand in your way. Everyday people beat the odds by tapping into their gifts, talents, and with a winning attitude do miraculous things. Now, are you ready to live your best life right now? Let's discuss a few tips that could help cultivate and grow your passion.
You must first identify you gifts and talents. What do you do very well?Once identified, gather information about your gift i.e.: you might be an artist ready to soar.Find other artists that paint well and maybe join an art class. Or travel to an art museum to look at other great paintings.Start stirring up your passion until the fire burns out of control.This might not be your passion, but whatever the case you have to stir up your gifts within.Please finish this sentence: My dominant gift is: ___________________.Make a list of your gifts, and prioritize them according to their strength.Remember if it's to be, it's up to YOU!
Cynthia Brooks is an entrepreneur at heart and enjoys coaching other entrepreneurs by getting them off the side lines of life into the game. She invites you to view some great articles and resource information on and
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