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September 2, 2011

Political Gardening

When I arose this morning the sun was shining, the sky a perfect blue and not a cloud in sight. With my morning cup of tea in hand, I decided to open the windows to let in the fresh air. Greeting me; the sound of birds - some of the glorious song birds, native to this area, colorful, large, small, some brazen more so than others, also a loud, raucous flock of ducks, who were making their way to a nearby lake. In the distance, I heard the rumblings of a lawn mower. Gardening was on the move taking place in most communities across America, for sure in different time zones; but it was happening. Weed removal continues in earnest. Lawns maintained and treated. Flower beds being cultivated; the appropriate fertilizers applied along with weed controls and after much hard work; the results will be visible. The maintenance and effort will be a pleasing sight to most who can appreciate the hard work, and challenges that all of this effort took.

There are so many different species of weeds; too numerous to mention here. Some weeds are beneficial, and even edible, others are quite attractive, some tall, some bushy, some colorful, it is obvious some are ugly; still others have a vastly reaching potential, and smother whatever they encounter. Also, there are weeds that promulgate and their seeds remain in the ground for many years making them difficult to remove. Most weeds grow fast, and in no time have taken control of what use to be a beautiful Garden.

In many respects, politicians are like weeds, I am sure there are some who are beneficial to the nation; others are quite attractive; still others are fast growing and smother freedom and growth. There are politicians who are like the weeds which promulgate and remain for many years. Just as, gardeners differentiate between the good the bad and the evil weeds we need to do the same thing.

Now the Political gardening chores are upon us, the tools that we use will certainly be different from those we use in gardens but ones actions, and end results will be the same. We need to cultivate, trim, prune, so that the flowers, trees, lawns, plants of an informed citizenry can flourish and grow. We need to pay attention to all the Political gardening tools that are accessible to us. Then and only then will the beautiful garden, called America flourish, and remain magnificent.

Jacquie Hurlbut is a writer who wishes to bring attention to the responsibility of citizenship that we all hold dear, but are sometimes to busy and therefore inadvertently forget our duties to this great Nation. My motto "Freedom has to be nurtured on a continuous basis." You may read more at

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