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September 4, 2011

The Land, The People, The Governance

I truly love to drive through America. Often, my trips are local or in the surrounding States, but I have made several cross county trips. In total, I have visited 38 states each of them unique unto themselves. For sure the accents are different, customs are not always the same, traditions vary, lifestyles change from state to state, but the thread of being American is always there. That is what makes us so marvelous and unique. Our merciful creator sculpted a geographic structure that is unparalleled. Our mountains are breathtaking. Our rivers and lakes are a dichotomy of peaceful, treacherous, small, or expansive. We have magnificent hills where every turn yields stunning views, and our coastlines leave me speechless. Weave these marvelous features together with faith, knowledge, determination, hard work, exceptionalism, and capitalism that our Forefathers determined for this nation, and you know why it is easy for me to declare out loud "America... I love you".

Does all of this mean that there are not problems in our Shangri La? Of course not, as I ventured, I came across shanty towns, to be honest I did not think they still existed, run down housing and ghettos. When I spoke to people in those areas, interestingly, many seemed content, telling me attention-grabbing stories that one could only hear off the beaten path. Others had stories of why they could not move ahead some were especially sad others just poor excuses. There were those who just wanted to leave but were helplessly tied to a government subsidy that trapped them to an everyday existence with little hope of ever escaping government slavery. There were the homeless, many with a different mindset, some who did not want to work or be part of the hectic lifestyle, that so many lead in this country. They felt it was their right to live as they wished (quite an independent group) Don't you think I would have liked to see all of this disappear, You betcha, but not at the expense of robbing the individual of their freedom and liberty.

Looking forward we need to be careful of what rights and freedoms we are willing to relinquish to our government. How nice it would be to make everything right and comfortable for every person, of course we would have to have the government decide what is right and comfortable. Our Liberty and Freedom are so easily manipulated by those who seek to destroy the fabric on which our nation was founded; it is a constant battle to preserve free will and independence, but it is a battle that we all need to fight.

Jacquie Hurlbut is a writer who wishes to bring attention to the responsibility of citizenship that we all hold dear, but are sometimes to busy and, therefore, we inadvertently forget ones duties to this great Nation. Freedom has to be nurtured on a continuous basis. Please visit in order to read other articles.

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