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September 11, 2011

Attracting Wealth Using The Power Of The Mind

There are many people who believe that manifesting wealth and success is possible only through the lottery of birth or by simply being lucky. It's of course true that pure luck does sometimes - though only rarely - play its part in alleviating or improving someone's financial position, but you could easily spend your whole life relying on or hoping for a miracle that will never come.

Unless you're born into money - and for some people who have been the benefits and pleasures of wealth have become utterly meaningless - you have to understand first and foremost that you will never become financially secure without having a prosperity mindset at the root of all of your actual financial endeavours.

The meaning of the phrase prosperity mindset or prosperity consciousness relates to the mental attitude held by those people who seem to be able to generate varying degrees of wealth with relative ease, who seem to be just "lucky", even in the most challenging of financial and economic times and situations.

While a few people are born into money, no one is born with a prosperity consciousness. It has to be developed. Some wealthy and successful people - who may otherwise have no conscious awareness of the power of the subconscious mind - naturally and unconsciously developed their prosperity mentality as they were growing up, by way of a particular kind of upbringing, environment and the adoption of certain personality traits.

The good news is that it's possible for almost anyone, irrespective of their current mental attitude or financial situation, to reprogram their subconscious thought processes in such a way as to unlock and harness the vast and possibly infinite power of the subconscious and channel it towards wealth creation.

Even in the worst of financial circumstances, there is always an opportunity of some sort or other waiting to be utilized, and its through the hidden power of the subconscious that these seemingly invisible opportunities can be discovered, and the self belief and confidence to use them can be found.

Almost everyone would like to be financially well off. However, on a deeper, subconscious level most people have to varying degrees what is known as a scarcity mindset. The scarcity mindset stems ultimately from deep rooted negative self beliefs. It tells you that the acquisition of serious wealth is almost impossible except for a "lucky" few, and that hardship and financial want is the "natural" condition. It constantly tells you that there are numerous "reasons" why you couldn't or shouldn't be financially free.

With this kind of mentality operating at the back of their minds it's not surprising that many people don't really believe that they're capable of achieving financial freedom. The answer, the first step on the road to financial independence, lies in gaining an understanding of the fact that you have a subconscious mind which is real and all powerful, and that the power of the subconscious can be harnessed by training your conscious mind to consistently think thoughts and visualize images relating to whatever goal it is that you want to achieve.

This has nothing to do with idle daydreaming. In fact training your conscious mind in this way requires focus and dedication.

The subconscious contains within it a spark of - and a link to - all of the power and wisdom in the universe. It is ultimately all powerful, but is also in a way malleable, because it uses its power to reflect the nature and quality of your habitual conscious thought and create around you and attract to you the conditions and circumstances represented by your conscious thoughts.

In other words, if you're more or less constantly thinking about and believing in financial failure, your subconscious will ensure that that is what you get. If you think of and believe in success, it will one way or another ensure that you succeed. The subconscious is indifferent as to your success or failure, health or ill health or whatever, but will create and attract to you whatever positive or negative conditions and circumstances are represented by the nature of the thought energy that it habitually receives from your conscious mind.

Self hypnosis represents the best method of training your mind in this way. By committing yourself to a daily program of relaxation, visualization and positive suggestion in relation to your goal of financial freedom, you'll soon begin to find ideas and insights about money creation coming into your mind which would never have previously occurred to you. Actual opportunities - sometimes through peculiar "coincidences" - will begin to appear, and you'll begin to feel your old self doubt being replaced by self belief and optimism.

Kenneth McRae has studied and written extensively on psychology, hypnosis and the subconscious, and has shown many friends and others how to use self hypnosis to deal with and overcome a wide range of issues. For more about learning how to manifest money, lose weight, quit smoking and more, visit

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