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December 9, 2011

Capitalism Equals Freedom

As I have continued to follow (and loathe) the Occupy Wall Street movement, I ran across an image of a man proudly hoisting a sign with a loud (but erroneous) message that read "Capitalism = Corruption". My first reaction was a physical cringe followed by a head-shaking/lip-pursing pity combo. Then I decided that it was time to begin dispelling this anti-capitalism hogwash and so was born this brief analysis.

Let's start by defining capitalism to determine whether or not it is indeed corrupt. Capitalism is an economic system where I may invest my resources (i.e., "capital") into a venture and either earn a return or incur a loss depending on whether the venture sells its outputs for a profit or a loss. That's it. That, in a nutshell, is "capitalism". Well, were you able to spot the corruption? Of course not! Capitalism and the free market in which it operates prevent corruption by virtue of the interests of the participants therein. Capitalism is anything but corruption!

In a capitalist system it is my choice whether or not to take a risk. I am free to invest or not to invest, in a capitalist system. I am free to win or to lose, in a capitalist system. I am free to buy or not to buy, in a capitalist system. I am free to make my own decisions, in a capitalist system. Notice the two recurring words in each of the previous statements that represent the theme of this paragraph: "free" and "capitalist [system]". Capitalism is a system rooted in freedom, and freedom only becomes "corrupt" when its definition is hijacked by a person or a group of persons whose alternative system (and likewise their power/control) becomes threatened by free-thinking, rational people.

I am really sick and tired of "capitalism" being considered a bad word. At what point did it become "wrong" or "uncool" to subscribe to capitalism? Since when is it frowned-upon to create a product or perform a service with the goal of turning a profit? No, seriously, at what point in America's history did the word "capitalism" begin carrying negative connotations? Who was in charge of the "smear-capitalism" marketing campaign because I want to hire him or her to help market my first book! It was probably the same person or organization who have somehow pegged the Republican party as "racist", when looking back at history it was actually by and large the Democrat party that was "racist" (e.g., the late Robert Byrd, Democrat senator and former President pro tempore (ironically even during Obama's term!) from West Virginia was a former ranking member of the Ku Klux Klan). I just don't get it... Although as I sit and ponder, I begin to wonder if our modern-day "journalists" should be held partly responsible for this "anti-capitalist" phenomenon. After all, never once have I noticed my local news reporters actually describe capitalism beyond flashing clips of misguided protesters slandering and libeling the system.

Before closing, it's important to revisit the formal definitions of the terms used in this sign that was the subject of this article as to not let the primary media outlets and our liberal friends/family/colleagues continue diluting the true meanings:

Capitalism (noun) an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market.

Corruption (noun) a: impairment of integrity, virtue, or moral principle: depravity b: decay, decomposition c: inducement to wrong by improper or unlawful means (as bribery) d: a departure from the original or from what is pure or correct.

You know, based on Merriam-Webster's definitions above, the following would be more accurate statements to consider using on your next sign for your next rally: "Occupy Wall Street Movement = Corruption", or "Capitalism = Freedom".

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