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December 13, 2011

Personal Improvement

As time passes you by and as you endure life's many challenges, it is vital and a must that you develop and improve yourself for the better. Life is a constant change. It oftentimes presents many unhappy circumstances in your daily life. You can keep yourself upbeat by spreading out yourself and have personal improvement plans for your own good. In achieving your goal for a better you, the following are hindrances you have to avoid.

1. Over confidence. Everyone would love you less and start to hate you more if you think and feel that everything you do is the right thing. Be open to reactions and suggestions.

2. Inability to carry out things. Since you are overconfident, you will likely to overlook some details needed for you to carry out your task in a given project.

3. Losing self-confidence. While others may be oozing with confidence, others do not have this and they choose to dwell in their imperfection. Nobody is perfect, keep that in mind. You are blessed with the chance to develop yourself and it is all up to you.

4. Pessimistic and a quitter. A pessimist is someone who, when he has the choice between two evils, chooses both. If you are the type who gives up easily, then you will need to change a lot in your personality. Quitters never win. Think you can. Believe you can and this will give you a positive outlook in life.

5. Inconsistency. Being inconsistent in what you do will only lead you to idleness and stagnation. You remain in that unhappy situation.

6. Inability to commit. Be open to changes as they come regularly. You will be able to reach your own goals and expectations if you commit yourself to change.

7. Old "bad" habits are hard to die. But they have to die anyway. Begin getting rid of your bad habits. Then form a support network. Surround yourself with loved ones, colleagues and friends that will influence you with good habits.

Personal improvement calls you to come out from your comfort zones. It is never easy, who ever said it was? Coming out from your shell opens you to a world of new opportunities and potentials you never knew that you possess. You may positively and constructively use your current situation to get you through the problems and allow you to begin living the life you always longed to have.

Anyone can be successful no matter their age, location and even financial condition. You will always get better in time once you have focused yourself on your personal improvement. Stay focused in spite of whatever difficulties you may encounter. Be bigger than your dreams, get over your fears and be willing to take risks. Have a winning attitude and set goals. Setting your goals is important in reaching what you want in life. These goals have to be either long-term or short-term (or both). They have to be written down and you do have to strive on working towards achieving them. Put away all notions of failures then move ahead. By then, you begin to win in everything that you do.

The daily challenges that I faced and even some of my 'failures' had contributed to my personal improvement. It had prepared me well to meet my next enigma life will offer.

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