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December 11, 2011

A Personal Reflection on Patriotism Undiminished

I am passionate about many things in life; God, family, education, health, and more specifically, my constitutional rights. Be assured that these rights are most precious and sacred to me. As an adult, I have come to grow more fondly of the freedoms this great nation provides. At times I have taken for granted what has been given to me without regard for those who have sacrificed life and limb. Undeniably, many of our brothers and sisters have served this country with dignity, honor, and purpose so that we may exercise our rights as inscribed in the Constitution.

Moreover, my awareness has grown profoundly of those who intentionally abuse what others have paid for with their very lives. I do not take kindly to any American with disdain towards the constitution. I have no respect for that mentality, and abhorred their arrogant attitudes. Their actions, if any, to diminish the importance and application of our Constitution would give me cause to act with strength of mind and an undiminished resolve in defense of what I consider to be a revered document.

If anyone is compelled to express their opinions that do not support this country, they are perfectly free to do so. However, they should be prepared for a response that might go beyond their comprehension, their willingness to understand, or beyond their expectations. Speaking directly to anyone hostile to, and living in, the United States of America, I encourage you to leave and find a place where people share your sentiments. The United States of America does not need anymore disloyalty.

Let me state explicitly that I will never cower to those pretentious individuals who are inept and misguided in thought and deed attempting to redirect democracy. Their putrid words and injurious actions are nothing but poison. There is a remedy for such, it is called a value system; core beliefs that will overpower their weak and sick spirit of personal gratification and thoughtlessness.

I am speaking to those who would rather burn our American flag instead of embracing it. I am speaking to those who are afraid to hear the truth supported by fact, experiences, knowledge, and conviction. I am speaking to those who consciously break our laws for any reason and don't find the fortitude to correct their behavior and rectify the damage done. To those who find it painful to salute our flag, say the pledge of allegiance, praise our military men and women, and/or support our Constitution, I ask you to reconsider these notions; by doing so, you help to grow the strength of our nation.

I am about what makes this country strong, not weak and vulnerable. My dedication is to any cause that promotes and supports the defense and security of this nation. I will protect my country, die for it if necessary. Likewise, my family will receive the same protection. Defending truth is not easy, it takes courage and commitment, it takes a bold and confident stance; it takes men and women willing to stand their ground so this country can achieve greatness once again.

We once stood as a stalwart beacon of hope where dreams, security, democracy, and a nation built on faith and trust in God were central to its value system. Now, the nation has been shaken to its core because of the intentional attack on its sovereignty and fundamental principles. This must not continue and I shall not watch the tumult unfold without a fight; and I use the word fight in every sense of the word. With conviction I firmly believe this has been partially caused by partisan agendas to further influence the degradation and potential demise of our founding principles and rights.

For those who need a foundation of hope, an inspiration, and positive influence, we must provide them with opportunities for personal growth and to earn prosperity by their own good deeds. With zeal, we must renew this great nation to edify the world. May God bless each of you with the tenacity, passion, and steadfastness to defend this country from enemies, both foreign and domestic, and to be counted among those who are protectors of peace, liberty, and freedom; indeed, for us to unite as citizens of the United States of America.

By James R Eberts

Husband of 25 years to Amazing Wife, Father of Five Wonderful Daughters, Informative Article Writer, Education Specialist and Researcher, Blogger, Snippet Provider, SEO Technical Writer and Researcher, Author, and Volunteer.

Please visit my blog by clicking on my name below. Have an outstanding day!

This article was sponsored by James R. Eberts.

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