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December 6, 2011

Apple's Siri Cannot Inhibit Abortion Commerce: Democrats And Republicans Have It Completely Handled

Apple's Siri has failed to have real abortion savvy with regard to identifying the location of clinics. This in turn has sparked debate about if Apple is anti-abortion. Some are concerned that Apple will cave to abortion proponents' desire for clinics to have ever-present accessibility, even on every lane of the information highway.

As if the abortion industry needs one more proponent. Does anyone really believe that the abortion industry lacks supporters?

In America, abortion is commerce. It is accepted and even embraced as necessary utility by every aspect of our society. Lack is hardly evident when it comes to support for the abortion industry. There remains an abundance of apathy about the cessation of life. All the while abortion providers find every way possible to make it appear as if the sky is falling when some do not agree with the continued lack of discernment -- and unlimited procedures.

It all begins with the scientific parsing about the stages of life. The learned halls have desensitized the knowledge that life in the womb is a singularly important, uniquely designed creation that is intended to contribute in particular ways to the act of that which we call living. Life in the womb seems to have become a curiosity that is no longer considered sacred in America.

When life in the womb cannot be considered sacred, all is destined to be consumed.

America accepts abortion. Acceptance has been fashioned under pretense of law -- or under an abundance of legislations that are only loosely defined conditions. Abortion is allowed for whatever reason during any point of pregnancy. The lip service of law simply gives the illusion of reasonable restrictions.

The abortion laws are malleable and worded so that cessation of life is easily allowed. In cases where groups have tried to apply a specific and reasonable abortion restriction, those gratified by abortion shout about the slippery slope of allowing for restrictions.

As if the slope America resides upon with regard to abortion is not yet precipice enough.

Due to incentives, the abortion providers cannot function within clearly drawn lines of an absolute right and wrong pneumatic; the atmospheric black and white. The grey area is where it is at for America's growing abortion industry. Abortion can thrive and even emerge as respected commerce in the land of the grey.

In our politically correct society it is easy for the progressive among us to shout against any consideration, with regard to the consequences of abortion. The progressives often times applaud the justification of abortion cases for those who become pregnant, but do not want to be punished with a pregnancy. The progressives are also apt to derided worthy perceptions for allowing nine months of inconvenience, followed by adoption. Life less abundant, is a progressive mantra that has taken hold -- and then taken over. The mantra is spoken on the left and the right.

There are a few who understand that abortion is an issue of individual will. No matter the laws or ideologies, it is an issue of heart. Overall, it appears America has no heart for the unborn and wills to utilize abortion under the premise of progress.

Abortion makes sense to the many who are in the position to choose which path to take with regard to American progress. Our most respected peers, the smartest and most proficient within the pillars of America's; government, education, medicine, product development, and research -- have ultimately decided that they need the remains of the aborted in order to meet a greater good. The line for fetal remains starts in America*. The progressive polluted progress that America is engaging upon encompasses a defining regressive movement along the single biggest path to destruction.

Bloodshed committed not only for convenience, but also for profit. Help us all, intact remains from abortion are acquired by some for purposes of securing the blood.

Thanks to the abortion laws that are in place, life terminated in the womb has the option of; being treated as medical waste, buried, cremated, or recycled. Meaning, thanks to the abortion laws nobody really cares what happens to the remains, and this has become a win-win for some. The abortion provider has less need to predominantly utilize first three disposal options due to America's need of their final product. The abortion provider has propelled abortion services as that of a greyer, greater good -- while making additional money by selling as much of the remains as possible.

Abortion clinics allow wholesalers to acquire fetal parts in order to provide them to industry. Those involved in commerce of the aborted are sellers, wholesalers, or buyers. The sellers are the abortion clinics. The wholesalers are the middlemen who literally prepare the orders for the buyers. The buyers come from every part of education, medicine, government, research, and the food industry.

As a matter of cost efficiency, the buyers have increasingly figured out that eliminating the wholesaler and dealing directly with the abortion clinic (seller) offers fiscal advantage.

Commercial Markets Created by Abortion by Victoria Evans points to the many ways in which clinics are allowing many to profit from abortion via the sale of fetal remains. She writes that the total market for using fetal pancreatic tissue to treat diabetes is 6 billion dollars annually. As troublesome as the abortion commerce tale is, Evans shares that "Democrats are in bed with the sellers and Republicans are in bed with the buyers". Additionally, the Supreme Court offers a safe harbor with regard to assuring continued limitless abortion procedures. Therefore, abortion represents business as usual in America.

Do not worry abortion proponents, your ideology and industry will forge ahead for the greyer, greater good. It is okay if Siri cannot seem to find the way to a clinic.


About our journey with autism: At the very beginning I figured, no big deal, we'll get our daughter normalized in no time and pretty soon she would be asking for the car keys. It didn't quite work out that way and as my entire family and I continued to work through the ebb and flow of her unique walk, we fell madly in love with her in all her glory. For a real life look at one case of severe autism, just Google "Hello, Dr. Wells". It is a sixteen year account of autism that turned to schizophrenic like psychosis.

I have researched the subject of human residual DNA from vaccination product cultures; the cultures, in part, are the end result of the use of tissue from fetal remains after abortion. This subject collides with autism possibly resulting from accidental integration of the human DNA residual in vaccination products.

*A per month representative list of fetal parts sold after the abortion process: 47 livers, 11 liver fragments, 7 brains, 21 eyes, 8 thymuses, 23 legs, 14 pancreases, 14 lungs, 6 arms, 1 kidney/adrenal gland, 3 intact specimens for purposes of securing the blood. (Commercial Markets...Victoria Evans)

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