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December 21, 2011

5 Ways to Ignite Your Inner Power

People ask me, "How do I take back my exclamation points?", and I know what they're really asking me how to take back their power. It's quite simple really. It's a matter of being who you already are. So why do we sometimes struggle with this?

Some people think that having power is a way to gain (or regain) control. But it's really about stepping back into our beingness, stepping back into our one unique strength or energy. Do you know what yours is? If you know me, you know my greatest strength is my optimism! So you don't have to do anything to have power. You just have to be YOU.

Let's take this a step further. Here are 5 things to know about your inner power:

1. Power is natural. What natural emotion were you born with? You may have to dig deep or it may be on the surface - but you were born with the seed of positive energy. See if you can spot it, then use that powerful energy to resonate with what you want to create next in life (because there's always one next step). It's very simple. We were born with power. No one can take it away.

2. Anger is the quickest way to give up our power. That situation we're angry about isn't the problem - it's that we have judgment about that situation that steals our power. Consider this: the most powerful people know, quite specifically, what they want. So ask yourself whether you identified a crystal clear objective from the beginning? Or did you get something you didn't want by default, that created a judgment? Somewhere in that anger is an objective that hasn't been honored yet. Can a new situation now be created, so the objective can be honored?

3. Power is a choice. Everything we do is a choice, but many of us have a habit of creating inner stories that disempower us. Those stories are often based on the past, and those disempowering stories don't help us... especially if we're called on for something greater in life! So if we're going to make up stories about a situation we're in, why not make up empowering stories? Why not find things within that situation to celebrate?

4. Our power is still there, even when our world crashes down. Sometimes, we may need detachment. Having no attachment to the outcome and trusting that, if we stay true to what's important, what ultimately happens will be right for everyone. In fact, it could be even better than we've imagined! Detachment is letting it happen, letting it flow, because there are any number of potentialities for how the outcome will evolve. It means not to worry, but keep a heightened perspective, so we won't miss an opportunity when it pops up. By staying centered in our strength and in our objectives, we'll be less likely to inadvertently create what we don't want (or remain stuck where we are).

5. Our power is still there, even when we feel stuck. "How long can I stay in one place?!?" I've asked myself that question, usually when I'm frustrated after push-push-pushing instead of being in the flow! The thing is, we can push but we can also flow. We can begin to create what we want, instead of being stuck in what we didn't have. Think about it: Those times when we've felt stuck, weren't we stuck in something we never had, going after something that would distract us from more important things... like creating something greater in life? Those seemingly stuck moments were asking us to evolve.

From surviving a home invasion to becoming an inspirational speaker and bestselling author of "Living Life As An Exclamation Point!", Rémy inspires audiences with personal anecdotes and stories of triumph. She's one of the leading experts in optimism, and creating opportunity out of obstacles. Rémy believes, "We all have at least one true passion in life... but more than that, we have a legacy. We weren't put on this earth to struggle or just survive. We were put here to express our one unique strength, and that uniqueness IS our legacy. But most people don't know what their legacy is, or that it's waiting to be fulfilled." Rémy helps you unleash the vision within, and bring your legacy to life through workshops, seminars, and custom designed challenges. Visit for 5 free videos on how to get unstuck.

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