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December 18, 2011

Economic Conditions Have Little to Do With Your Own Success and Well-Being

This is an important concept to grasp.

We have a tendency to look at economic conditions as a way of explaining and justifying why we may not be where we want to be. In truth, one has little or nothing to do with the other.

Your ability to succeed is totally within your control and is a result of your own thoughts, words, feelings and actions. Whatever direction the economy is moving in, whether in a downturn as it is at this time, or in an upward spiral, there are always opportunities for the individual who holds true to her vision to her ideal life.

It is this vision that will attract - through the powers of the universe - that which is vividly imagined, as Napoleon Hill would have said.

If you are watching the news and worrying about the current financial problems, while you are engaged in doing this, you are in a similar vibration and are likely to create a similar condition in your own life.

If you must stay informed about what is going on, fine. If you're going to watch the news, do so without getting emotionally invested.

Just sit back and, as you watch, think to yourself, "that's interesting." It is possible to watch the news or read a newspaper and not be emotionally connected to it.

Feeling bad for the people affected by what's taking place also puts you squarely in the same vibration. If you can do something to help, by all means, do it!

However, if not, get your attention back to your own ideal life's vision and focus your attention on what you want in your life.

You may wish to see the other people having a better experience than they are having but that's about all you can do because we each create our own reality and we can only control the circumstances in our own life.

It is crucial that in any circumstance, you're able to "flip" your attention and therefore, your "point of attraction" to that which you desire and away from that which you do not.

Notice, I did not say to try and fix it or change it, unless you can. Simply turn your attention away, toward whatever you do want.

The fastest way I know to shift your attention and, as a result, your vibration, is to make a list of what you are appreciating, what's working, or what you are grateful for in your life. This simple practice will immediately raise your vibration as a result of the change in your focus and what your putting your attention on.

It is important, especially in these challenging times, that we are watchful of our thoughts, words and actions. Keep your attention at what you desire and refuse to participate in discussions about what is wrong with our world. If you make a habit of doing this, pretty soon you will start seeing improvements in your own life.

Jim Donovan is the author of several international best-selling books and an inspiring motivational speaker. For a no cost subscription to his classic, Jim's Jems ezine, a bonus audio and special report, visit

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