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December 8, 2011

The Successful 'A Type'

Success is something that everyone strives for but not all achieve. Its something I've come to realize that cannot be found in isolation, it must be sought after with complete abandon or not at all.

I'll use myself as an example in this, when I started in University I was overly confident in myself and spent far too much time spending money and partying. This led to me digging myself into a financial hole, failing courses and gaining weight. Now I knew that I had the intellect to succeed in every class so when I finally decided to fix everything I thought all that was needed was for me to say "I've got this, I screwed up, time to fix it" but the reality was that most things stayed the same. It was only after I ended up in the same place that I decided to take a look at everything I had done.

It was at this point that I realized that I can't just say I'm going to succeed in school and then hope it happens while everything else stays the same. I have to be successful in every aspect of my life, its an all or nothing deal. Once I realized this, everything changed and I found myself right back on track. I fixed my finances, lost 60lbs, sorted out school and started to excel in everything else i tried. I finally found a career path that i enjoyed and i found success in.

This is of course a condensed version of everything that happens and it took a great deal of effort and time. But i just wanted to illustrate the point that you must approach life with a very simple outlook; you will succeed in everything you do. It doesn't always turn out that way but what I can assure you is that you cannot find success in isolation, it must be sought after in every part of your life. Start with the smaller things that you can control, then once you've mastered those you can keep moving up the ladder in terms of importance and scope. All you need is a goal, keep working for that goal, hit it, then make a new one. Its a never ending process but once you start you'll be happy to keep going.

I quite literally turned my life around in the course of one year. It doesn't matter what you want to change in your life, whether it be big or small. You can do it if you put a concerted effort into it, strive for perfection in all aspects of your life and I promise you will find it. That's not to say that you will all of a sudden become a wealthy entrepreneur and international model. But you will be more successful in the things you do, everyone around you will notice as well; friends, family, lovers, bosses. They will take note of the new you, the person you're trying to become. You'll become more confidant in yourself as this process continues and trust me; confidence is something that everyone can see.

If you want to be that 'A Type personality' then chase after success in all aspects of your life. A well rounded person will stand apart from the crowd because that is the true meaning of success.

L Duff

Hire Me Inc

A place for my musings on what it takes to be a success in today's business world.


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